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Nerves of Steel
Side Step
He knows Kung-Fu. Po scored the historical first touchdown for the Fighting Pandas in their debut game against the Fighting Vermin. He's the teams most prominent member and leading scorer and he has, over time and shaped by the rough battles the team has been through, added hitting power to his scoring ability to become an all-around threat.
One of the few Pandas to survive both the Crux of the Crow and Hulgar's Hammerhands unscathed. He hadn't been himself for the entire game against the dwarves, shrugging off injuries as if he was made of steel but dropping the crucial ball on the run that would have otherwise been the 2:0. And he hasn't been quite himself ever since.
Some called him a changed man after the game, some say the bloodbath had changed him deeply and profoundly, but no-one was sure exactly what he had changed into.... that is, until, in a game against the Fighting Vermin, Po charged one the leagues most lethal causality machines, Finyan, headfirst and knocked him out in a single block. The Rat Ogre was badly hurt and out cold for the rest of the game. Po had found his taste for blood.
In a game against Crux of the Crow, Po added a Block Orc Blocker to the list of players he has personally hurt very very badly. He has yet to go for the kill, but who can say what the rowdy catcher is capable of given enough time and opponents to attack...
Po's name can be translated as either "Falls on his ass" or "Asskicker". Naturally Po prefers the latter translation. His estimated market value was 185k in his prime, which makes him the Pandas most valuable player of all time.
After 21 rounds of league play and not missing a single game, which is more than can be said for many of his better-armored and less-lucky teammates, 14 touchdowns, 2 causalities and 1 MVP award, Po became the Fighting Pandas first ever Star Player.