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<a href=https://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&at=&group=195&p=tournaments&show=30211&showallrounds=1>FUMBBL Cup X Champion</a> and last original member of the team.
Old pictures: <a href=https://fumbbl.com/i/327114>Pic #1</a> <a href=https://fumbbl.com/i/329932>Pic #2</a>
Healed in <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&at=&group=195&p=tournaments&show=30211">FUMBBL Cup X</a> after <a href=http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=3219470>a second round game</a> against <a href="http://fumbbl.com/~The_Provocateur">The Provocateur's</a> lizardman team <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=608259">Up To Scale</a>. Jill suffered a -MA injury to complement her earlier -AG injury, but the healing potion magically cured everything and got Jill ready for the next game.
The first player in Blackbox history to reach 800 SPPs.
Records as of December 27, 2011:
#1 All-time star
#1 All-time blocker
#2 All-time oldest player
#2 All-time most blocks
All divisions:
#7 All-time star
#3 All-time blocker
#9 All-time oldest player
#7 All-time most blocks
Blackbox records as of August 29, 2011:
#1 Active star
#1 Active blocker
#1 Active oldest player
#1 Active most blocks
#2 All-time star
#2 All-time blocker
#2 All-time oldest player
#4 All-time most blocks
Blackbox records as of April 15, 2011:
#2 All-time star
#2 All-time blocker
#2 All-time oldest player