Team Captain (Match #7-18, #43-?).
Tiallin used to be called the Child of Sunshine. His radiant beauty and positive demeanor was a joy to all around him, and even among the elven tribe in which he lived in, he was looked upon as an example of righteousness and Good. It is not sure where it all went wrong. Perhaps the pressure was too much for him, or perhaps it had always been a masquerade of his real self, but when he strangled his brother, newborn sister and both his parents over the course of a week, Tiallin became known as Tiallin Turncloak.
These days he is still a positive, cheerful and radiant character, but every day, his dark, raging self comes out more, and there is no delight greater for him than to strangle his enemies until the life fades from their bodies.
Best Player Performance of Matches:
#40 &