Yesterday I
rediscovered my fear of ogres. Yes, I suffered 4 RIPs, no SI, no BH in one match. The first 2 blocks of the game were both RIPs - on BOBs! So much for AV9...
The odds just getting 4 RIPs with no other injuries is, by my reckoning, about 0.077%, which unlikely enough that it definitely might qualify as a Nuffling. The odds of the first 2 blocks RIPing both the BOBs - about 0.02%. And then a brand new lineman RIP'd in turn 2 - he moved 5 squares and died. It would have been easy to lose heart, and complain about the dice.
And yet, I couldn't complain. The dice weren't bad. The handicap I got was a good one. I got the ref! The Apoth worked (if only I'd had 3 more like him). My opponent couldn't pick up the ball. I finished the game with the luck-o-meter showing me 9% up. And, at the end of the day, I got good winnings (enough to replace a BOB, and I'd had enough money for another Lineman anyway).
It was a good game. Just (as my opponent said after he sent my third player to the graveyard) weird. I guess everyone knows that given enough games, unlikely things will happen, but that when you're looking at one of them, it's a bit creepy...
EDIT: Aequitas pointed out to me a game where
some orcs suffered 5 RIPs - but there probably was a bit of Claw/RSC in that one. Thought that might cheer up the orc haters out there!