Calcium ( reckons that Chaos are easy to play, but by his own admission doesn't play with them.
Well, I'm hardly experienced with them, but I'm finding all of the classic issues of a Chaos squad. Talking to my more experienced betters, these issues are a normal. What I've discovered is that... Chaos teams aren't that bashy:
1 - CLAW! - Sure, Claw/RSC is a killer combination - but getting 2 doubles on a player isn't really all *that* common, and then they are foulbait.
Statistically, Claw is better at knocking players out, but Mighty Blow has similar chances of CAS, and there are plenty of teams with lots of Strength skill access - Dwarves, anyone?
2 - Block? - No block skills to start with means that your ST4 Chaos Warrior will bounce off skinks. Believe me, I've been there.
3 - AV 8 - AV8 isn't bad, but it's not really up to the strength of the big boys of bashing - Dorfs, Orcs, or Khemri. Yeah, I know, Khemri skeletons have AV 7 - but also regen, and are cheap enough to be disposable. Beastmen have all the durability of humans, or high elves (those well known bashers)
Okay, so they're not great bashers - what about elfballers?
Um, no. They've no ball handling skills to start with, and no AG4. Sure, Chaos Warriors make powerful players who can handle the ball, but even then, they're a bit slow. The best you can hope for is successfully picking up the ball - passing after that is risky business...
I've gotta say, I've been surprised by how bad chaos are. They've got this huge rep for wanton violence, but apart from a few players and some luck skill rolls, they really suffer from the lack of positional skills. Chaos Warriors are good, but slow. Beastmen rock as blitzers, but you can only use that once a turn. Personally, I'd kill for a few players with Block...
What I would agree with Calcium, though, is that a lot of Chaos coaches seem to become fascinated by how much damage they can do, rather than winning. But really, he needs to try developing a Chaos team, and try playing dwarves with them...
EDIT: This isn't to say that they're not fun. Any team can be fun, and Chaos have their benefits (Beastmen, and ST4 AG3 Chaos Warriors) too. But they're not that bashy, and they ain't elfbally