Forum Post
So, I've been toying around for a while with creating a League based around the Stuntee division.
That said, no successful league can be run without a good base of coaches who are willing to make it succeed.
I'm pretty much an amateur when it comes to running a league on Fumbbl, and would love any and all assistance in doing so, be it in the form of logos, bbcode, or even just coaches willing to participate.
Currently, I'm looking at some of the league settings and rules, and want to make this a fun splatterfest (as most stuntee matches are) for all involved.
Obviously, this league would require the Custom League ruleset (which is still in it's testing phase), and I have one I've been working on. The options would be as follows:
1: Overtime in the event of a tie. More time for blood, and ties are silly.
2: +1 to injury on fouls IF you have no interference
3: 150k in inducements for free, for everyone in every match. This can be quite silly in Stuntee, as there are several fun Stars
4: The ball has spikes, we all love our splatterfests
5: Piling will KO you if you roll doubles
6: Sneaky Git acts like guard on fouls, and sends you to the KO box instead of getting you banned. With secret weapons, this could get hilarious
7: Stand Firm ends a players movement on a failed dodge, rather than laying him prone. Does not cause a turnover. Many Stuntees rely on their big guys. Let's make ya actually WORK to take them down Wink
8: All Stuntee rosters will be accepted, this includes (with some modifications) LRB races that are mostly stuntee.
9: Skill progression will be slightly altered, with players taking a 6th skill at 131 SPP and a 7th at 201
LRB races that will be allowed, with modifications:
Goblin - Goblin teams may only select a Single Secret Weapon. That weapon choice is up to the coach.
Halfling - Unchanged
Lizardmen - No Saurus allowed. That's right, your roster will have one Krox, and the rest Skinks.
Ogre - a Maximum of 4 Ogres allowed.
Underworld - Troll and 2 Skaven Linerats, no blitzers or throwers.
No other LRB teams will be accepted
With that said, I present to you the bare bones of the fledgling
Stuntee Leeg Splatterfest
Ideally, I'd like 16 coaches, and run 2 divisions of 8 teams each (at least to start, to allow for potential coaches from Europe and the Americas). In future seasons, I'd like to push the Leeg to 32 teams, with 8 divisions in 2 conferences.
Thank you all for your time, and hopefully, I see you all on the pitch