Posted by Nighteye on 2011-03-21 15:56:07
Humans can get extremely silly in these situations.
People in Denmark where also emptying the stores of Iodie tablets.
"Just in case".......
Posted by Lobossumi on 2011-03-21 16:04:00
Oh Denmark too? In Finland we ran out of them when people went in to buying frenzy. and soon after they were sold out someone was selling iodide tablets on the net for 500 euros.
Well panic sells news better than anything else.
Posted by zakatan on 2011-03-21 17:18:47
I've been following Spanish and German media and they don't do any better. They are moslty inaccurate in every information they give, and don't even quote the sources.
Some just lie. Pure sensationalism. Being a nuclear engineer myself I find it unacceptable. I tried to explain the situation to my family and friends, but well... I don't have the reach they have.
In Germany they even started shutting down nuclear plants already.
Posted by Postie on 2011-03-21 17:58:33
And who says that the japanse goverment isn't keeping the worst out of the press?
Offcourse media work on fear, but to just state well they are all WRONG only japans newspapers are right -> stupid.
And the fact that the japanse people are relativly calm in such times has a lot more to do with a whole lot of other factors than media(i dont know but i think japan used to be a disciplined culture......).
And if you know some papers are rubbish why read them(mostly online) just pick out the good articles.
Posted by Postie on 2011-03-21 17:59:16
And buying Iode pills is retarted yes but people are, congratz(if ur in japan btw i wish you all the best in these times and all).
Posted by pythrr on 2011-03-21 18:16:53
calm vs not calm media: neither has a monopoly on truth
Posted by Brother-Fu on 2011-03-21 20:13:38
Balle? I know the only reason why you don't want the pills is so you can get a cool mutation! Going for Two Heads or RSC?
Posted by Wreckage on 2011-03-21 20:42:25
Just because some people would prefer to not make a big deal out of it doesn't change the fact that both those events are a very big deal. No matter how you put it, not matter how you relativate it. It just doesn't change what's happening there.
To believe that sensationalism is the only thing you need to be worried about shows a troublesome degree of blindedness when it comes to other aims of the media.
Truth is, if you're that desenitivised from the media that you think Fukushima is not a big deal, you would probably say the same about Chernobyl.
You maye should take a closer look and will realise it wasn't actually that bad either. Sure the area is widely inhabilitable up to today but hardly a castrophic event all over europe like they put it back then... and hey.... if Ukraine would decide to have people settle down there today that would probably work too... they just happen to have enough place somewhere else... and who cares about long term cancer...;) .... it means... 10-20 more years to live :) ....yeah it's all not that bad... . but what's bad then, what do you hear on the news thats bad?
Posted by Timlagor on 2011-03-21 22:43:11
It's been commented on over here that the Japanese media are playing things down a lot compared to "Western" media.
While I certainly wouldn't pay 500E for Iodide tablets I can see people neaish to nuclear power stations rationally thinking that sticking some in a draw "just in case" would be a miniscule investment to make for the tiny risk of something very very bad ...though most of them aren't in earthquake country.
I wouldn't trust the Japanese reports or Government* spokesmen any more thna I'd trust the Murdoch Press.
* Because I don't trust their ability to either get or properly assess all the information rather than their honesty (in addition to which avoiding panic seems to be the key meme for any government in any crisis).
Posted by Ehlers on 2011-03-22 10:19:05
Balle2000 if you comprehend Japanese quite well, then you also understand the Japanese culture and media right?
The Industry, the media and the government has a closer tie together than in many other countries.
Japanese are always slow to respond very fast, why the lack of information from the Japanese. They need to make a united release of information and need to be sure of that.
And comparing foreign media with Japanese media, you need to look at the discourse. I have done a report on Nuclear power comparing Sweden and Japan. The different in media is simple based on cultural difference.
And no matter how serious the situation, the Japanese government would never make a press release to Tokyo residence to move out of Tokyo because of radiation danger. The only time they would do that would be if it is 100% that it would blow up. If the government and media did not stay calm and make all their best effort to calm the people, a real panic would escalate fast and that would result in more death than the current crisis has created.
If something like this happened in any other country, I am sure of the government would put pressure on the media to try to calm people.
And the reason for the hysteria is very simple. More people die from car accident, but that is way more easy to understand and comprehend. Nuclear power is not, people feel they have no control over it if something should happen. The Japanese are just taught better than others to react in such situations due to their culture and history.
Posted by the_Sage on 2012-01-29 17:21:14
I saw a video of the official Russian state news channel (I think 2 days) after Chernobyl. It said there had been a minor malfunction, but everything was under control. There was no risk to the greater public health, and please ignore the western sensationalist media; these were undermining great mother Russia by spreading lies about the event.