Using or not using a Troll in an Orc team has been debated many times. Personally I like adding them because they add variety to the roster and because they add a one-turner option to the team (in combination with a goblin, which even adds more variety). In addition, Trolls are (supposed to be) good roadblocks soaking up hits and barring the opposition's advance. Once they have guard, they don't even need to act most of the turns. Just being there usually suffices. Adding stand firm on top is nice too and makes them more useful against daring coaches who are not afraid of -2d blocks. Obviously block makes a Troll a lot better still and allows a more active use by reducing the chance of a turnover. On the other hand, you'll suffer more failed "really stupid" rolls when using them every turn, resulting in loss of assists and tackle zone.
However, after two recent games of
Gilgorod's Tribe in a Lustrian Open qualifier, the first one against
Rasping Reptiles, while the second game facing
Accion Social, I'm starting to question the Troll's durability. Losing two trolls in two successive games does that kind of thing I suppose.
After consulting the team's
past players page, I noticed that most of its Trolls don't last long at all! Out of 5 Trolls that have played for the team, 3 have died within 6 games! That sounds more like snotlings than Trolls to me... The two remaining Trolls did a little better, with 18 and 33 games played, respectively. A little better, sure, but still far from impressive I'd say.
So, what's the conclusion here? Bad luck? Too small a sample to draw any conclusions? In any case, while Trolls are supposed to be enduring roadblocks, I'm getting the impression that they're not up to the task they're supposed to perform...
How do other coaches look at Trolls? How do your Trolls perform?