The other day, we learned through the CIBBL channel on the Secret League discord server, that a former CIBBL coach by the nick of
Mr_Foxx, at the time a very enthusiastic and warm personality, sadly passed away not too long ago.
This CIBBL Star Player was made in his honor. Rest in Peace,
Mr_Foxx, ...
...and all hail
Captain Foxx.
7/4/4/8/ Shadowing, Wrestle, Dodge, Jump Up, Leader, Loner
Icon art: Fanky
CIBBL (CabalVision Inter-regional Blood Bowl League) is a seasonal fluff-heavy league, with regional play, cups and inter-regional ranked play, making use of CRP + SL teams and CRP+ rules, along with some modifications, edits and possible extras. CIBBL uses a unique, personal ruleset.
CIBBL is the
largest custom-roster scheduled league on FUMBBL,
one of the largest active scheduled league on FUMBBL and has likely been
the fastest growing scheduled league in FUMBBL history ever.
For more information, see the group