2010-11-25 18:40:33
18 votes, rating 4.7
Ever since I know that Christer will be implementing custom rosters for [L], an idea has been growing in my head - or festering, if you will. It's the idea for a league that uses custom rosters and the other new features that [L] will have that makes for a league with many more races to play with as well as other special ingredients.
I'm thinking of a random monthly inter-match event, raising the specific dead for Undead teams (zombifying a skaven lineman would yield a faster, but more vulnerable zombie) and things like that.
There is a lot of work involved for getting this right. I want it to be fun, intense and RP-immersive, but not silly. To help myself in getting it all right as well as to create some enthusiasm for possible future players of the league, I am going to write a blog now and then so that you can see what you can expect and possibly even influence it.
I might as well start right now! Here is how the league - called Extensive RolePlaying League, or ERPL, is structured.
A season will consist of three parts.
- Regional Games
- Inter-Regional Games
- Global Tournament(s)
There will be four regions.
The Old World: featuring teams who are based in the Old World, such as The Human Empire, Bretonnia, Dogs Of War, Dwarf, Kizlev, Halfling and Wood Elf.
The Orient: featuring teams from the east of the Old World, such as Orc, Ogre, Hobgoblin, Skaven - Eshin, Cathay, The Kingdoms of Ind and Nipponese.
The Northern Wastes: featuring teams from the north of the Old World, such as Chaos Beastman, Chaos Pact, Chaos - Khorne, Chaos - Slaanesh, Chaos - Nurgle, Chaos - Tzeentch, Dark Elf and Snotling.
The Southlands and the New World: featuring teams from the remaining parts of the world, such as Lizardmen, Slann, Araby - Holy, Araby - Unholy, Khemri, Forest Goblin, Skaven - Pestilens, Vampire - Sartosa and Vampire - Strigoi.
(Yeah, those are a lot of new teams. Some are quite similar to old ones though. The Vampire team, for example, has simply been subdivided to allow small differences for the different bloodlines. I hope that sounds fun for you. If not, then, well... Don't bother with the league...)
In the first part of the season, each region plays its own games to determine the pecking order in each region. Possibly these games will also determine promotion and demotion, if there enough players in the league. It is much like it is in established leagues like WIL.
In the second part of the season, each team from each region will play three more games: one against each other region. These games will determine which region is most powerful that season.
In the third part of the season, a big tournament or multiple smaller tournaments will be held. What happens here will change every season, although there might be similarities to former seasons. There might be multiple smaller open tournaments, a few invitationals, or a big tournament.
Interested and excited yet? I certainly hope so, I wouldn't want this to be a tiny league of a few weirdos like me! Anyway, keep an eye open for my blogs as I unveil my plans. I don't know how regular these blogs will become. Perhaps not regular at all, or perhaps you can expect a weekly blog.
Oh, if you're interested in helping out, I am open to that too: I could use two or three assistants/co-managers when the time comes!