After a chatting with a few buddies I still knew from before my big FUMBBL break I decided to give the
'King of the Hill' Challenge another try. I originally tried to think of a concept based on the complains about 'mindless bashers' as well as 'elf bowler'.
A closed league will force elves and other fragile races to come into contact with all kinds of teams. Yet it proves little incentive to focus on winning every game, because you will play every opponent in your league and if you lose one, you can still win another. Plus in most closed leagues there is little incentive of being the best besides your ego. Just as in open play, if a coach enjoys grinding teams into dust and this is more important than winning to him, then there is nothing to push him to try harder for a win.
A KO-tourney shows the other extreme. You have to win, else the event is over for you. Elves still cannot dodge anyone, yet a coach that is just grinding won`t get very far (usually not beyond round 1). Still a series of KO-tourneys makes for a very poor league format in terms of team development. Also it is very luck dependend as every game counts full. Plus if a frail team runs into a pure basher, it will probably win, but fall out next round. There is no recovery in a KO-challenge.
With the
'King of the Hill' Challenge I tried to find a middle ground, giving enough incentive to win and still not putting SO much emphasis on every game. Your league standing can change every game - yet if you lose a game or two, there is not too much of a problem as you can recover by playing softer games as they become available. Elves will be kept in check by the constant atrition of challenges while durable races have to focus on winning in order to avoid having to trim their team due to TR caps.
All in all I`m really curious, how the system will work out in the end. The first run sadly died due to me dropping out (shame on me, I know). Yet the feedback proved valuable, giving coaches a way of recovering (which of course comes at a cost), making the race for the top less hectic by organizing the league in rounds. Hopefully we will have a nice and tight season and lots of nailbiters to watch, cheer in and enjoy.