Two seconds after my woodies enter game finder the other night, sure enough, a Khemri team is asking for a game. There's a surprise right!
The coach tells me that no one ever wants to play the team etc, like most Khemri teams. Oh well, what the hell I think, I'll play Khemri for the 2nd time in the teams short history. .....(my other post is a result of that other game! Where we were down to two players, but scored!) I have 13 players and a slight TS advantage. They only have 5 Mightly blow players, 2 Dirty players and a couple of Frenzy I'm up for a challenge on occasions!
So we play this game:
We win fairly comfortably, take that you dastardly Khemri!
However, it becomes obvious the longer the game goes on why Khemri teams like this no one wants to play. Pretty soon we have few players on the pitch, and the game result is over. But still we are gang fouled on turn 13, 14, 15 and .... 16. Yep, despite the game being decided, having inflicted the two cas for the ff roll, we are fouled all the time, with what purpose, to extract revenge for being beaten?
It's little surprise that the team doesn't get too many games with an attitude such as this. Perhaps if Khemri teams focused on winning, and not destroying teams when the game result was decided, they would get more games! I for one won't be voluntarily playing this team again. I may still play some Khemri teams, but I will be checking their fouling history first!
Food for thought ....
Perhaps I'll have to try out a nice version of a Khemri team and see how they go getting games and winning.