I broke my leg. So I can't really move anywhere, so I was stuck with my brain, and that is a weird company, but... I figured out a way not to clutter our precious minis with rubber bands and skill rings and all sorts of markings...
It is really quite simple.
The bases shows all information needed. No need for rubber bands etc anymore.
Gnoblar (lineman) with two skills and an injury
Vampire thrower with one skills
So, what is it we're looking at?
1. The "diamonds" are for skills. If a player gets a skill, paint it with the appropriate or a suitable colour (NAF has a list).
2. The "minus" are for injuries. I paint them red, to remind me that this player is injured in some capacity. (No more blitzing with the -AG blitzer etc..)
3. The ring around the base tells his position (red for blitzer, grey for linemen etc... NAF adviced)
4. A big clear number. No more guessing that someone tried to write.
5. If you position them right, the bottom says if they are Prone or Stunned. Quite useful on small miniatures where it isn't always clear.
Everything is of course visible from both sides.
Available as STL-files for all sizes in my little shop at MMF.
Sizes available: 25 mm, 32 mm and 40 mm.
Buy one or all. If you know how to resize in your 3d-print program, buy one size and resize yourself. It is quite easy.
Otherwise a bundle with all sizes, both supported and not, is available.