One thing to note is that I don't pick Claw/RSC or foul much, this is for no other reason then I enjoy the game most this way and it is certainly not how I expect my opponents to play. The below strategy has been working nicely so far, my biggest question with it is if I should continue getting Guard before Block on the Rotters at higher Team Strength. It proved very useful while the team was lower level but I am not totally sure if it will work as well at higher level.
This guys job is primarily to deny your opponent movement. It is often better to not block with him at all rather then risk either a Really Stupid failure or a Skull/Both Down block. However if he is not in such a critical position blocks with him will help your cas due to Mighty Blow, just make sure your drive isn't screwed if he lets go of the players around him.
Normal Skills
Guard, Break Tackle.
I don't particularly like Multiple Block as a 3d block is often better then two 2d blocks. Also if you get a double and take Stand Firm your Beast can then use Break Tackle to dodge into a cage with devastating effects for your opponents drive.
Double Skills
Stand Firm then Block.
I prefer Stand Firm first due to it's ability to team up with Break Tackle which enables a 50% chance to dodge into a tight cage and put tentacles onto the ball carrier. Also the fact that there are 2 push results on the block die and only 1 both down it is also more common for a tentacled player to be able to -2d block push you away rather then getting a both down.
These guys are the strong core of the team. Beastmen come and go but Rotters with more then twice the life expectancy hang around. I use them on the los which not only keeps your Beastmen alive but can mess with an opponents turn if FA stops a few blocks.
Normal Skills
Guard, Block, Break Tackle or Mighty Blow.
I like Guard first because when fighting bashy teams you need some Guard and since these guys are getting the Guard the Beastmen can get Block first. This is vital as it helps keep your beastmen alive. After that Block is an easy choice, then depending on the rest of the team and if the Rotter has Stand Firm either Break Tackle or Mighty Blow.
Double Skills
Stand Firm, Tentacles or Dodge.
A Stand Firm ST4 Guard player who stops 1 in 6 blocks is a big road block for your opponent to get around. Also safe 50% chance dodges, or even a crazy dodge that needs a 6, are nice to get them in prime position to give Guard help or get in the way of a drive. After Stand Firm probably Tentacles, having said that I would be tempted to take Dodge as a ST4 Blodger with FA and Stand Firm is just evil.
Don't get attached to these as they don't last long. They are awesome blitzers and the ball carrying force of the team. It is vital that you spread the SPP around as much as possible, if your key Beastman is taken out and you don't have backups you are in a bad situation.
Normal Skills
1 Safe Hands, 1 Kick, Block, 2 Tackle, 2 Mighty Blow.
If none of your Beastmen have Big Hand or +AG then Safe Hands is a good start. After that Kick is great or Block if someone already has Kick. After Block getting a couple of Tacklers and a couple of Mighty Blow is important for dealing with pesky blodgers and upping your cas for Fan Factor. I would highly recommend taking 2 Tacklers as it is easy for your opponent to take out one of them.
Double Skills
1 Frenzy, 1 Big Hand.
I like to get a Frenzy Beastman as this either punishes mistaken moves close to the sideline or stops an opponent being able to use the full field to maneuver. After that having a Big Hand can be great at turning an opponents drive into a drive for you. If you are lucky enough to get more mutations then this see what the team looks and plays like and don't discount interesting pairings like Big Hand & Hail Mary Pass, +MA & Very Long Legs, Frenzy & Stand Firm, etc.
Defensive Setup
My usual setup that has proven very successful is shown in the image below. The Beast is in a position where he can move in front of a drive up the middle or grab hold of the side of a drive that is going wide. I find it far more useful to be able to move the Beast to the best spot rather then have him tied down on the los. The Beastman behind him is there first to help the Beast then as the main Blitzer, he is the one with Mighty Blow or Tackle depending on your opponent. I usually have the Rotters together so they can help each other with Guard but it can be good to spread them out if your opponent has lots of st4 and/or Guard players. It can also be useful to spread them out if you want to cover a larger area with FA to help against passes.