I fairly recently had another shot at playing Blood Bowl. I tried it some time ago but had to stop due to the energy it was using, I have M.E.(chronic fatigue) so I don't have much energy to spare. Anyway I have been able to manage reasonably well but this might have changed.
The problem now isn't so much the concentration or stress, it is the frustration. I am a very competitive person by nature, a trait I have to keep in check. This means that losses cost me more energy then they should, it's just a game for crying out load *Falesh tells himself*, but what gets me big time is when I am playing well but nuffle screws me over. This is, I am sure, a familiar feeling to most people who play this great game. So, in order to keep being able to play I am imposing a very strict weekend only policy.
Since I am somewhat steaming I have decided to let out my little secret. I am building a LRB5 client. Huzzah!

My prior knowledge of programming is self taught PHP. I wanted to learn how to make a desktop application and I also wanted to learn C#, so this seamed the perfect project.
Things have been going well and after a somewhat steep learning curve with the GUI side of things I now have a number of the core aspects done. For instance the setup, kickoff and normal turns are implemented. Players can do things like Move, Block, Foul, Push, Assist, Throw, Catch, Pickup and Blitz. Armour and Injury tests are fully working and place the player in the appropriate boxes (KO, BH, etc). One of the last aspects of the core game left to do is Interception, but I have a few ideas on how to implement this.
At the moment this is just a stand alone client but I have just started learning the network side of things and it looks surprisingly simple. Below is a pic of the Classes used so far. This may well change due to refactoring.
Due to my inexperience of this type of programming I am unsure how much more work there is to do. Because of this I can't make a good guess at how much longer it will take to finish.