Today I am a happy chappy, this is because I have managed to add Pass Block to the LRB5 client. I was a bit worried about it as there is a lot going on with the skill, i.e. multiple out of sequence moves that still have to follow all the normal rules like dodging, the need to pre plan a route then carry it out in one and finally to validate the routes to make sure they end in a legal square.
It just goes to show that the corny old saying "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" is true. If I had thought about all that was involved with learning C# and making this client I might have baulked. But if you just start working then the big problem of "make the whole thing" turns into lots of smaller problems, these then turn into smaller problems and so on. Once this happens the work becomes easily manageable and before you know it you have solved lots of small problems and you are treated to a big result.
I am not, I hasten to add, advocating blundering into things with no forethought. But if you have thought things through as much as you can and the problem still seems daunting don't give up, by just taking one step at a time it is surprising what can be accomplished.