Posted by Tesifonte on 2008-10-21 08:26:13
I found myself carrying my best friend on my arms after he had an 'opened' femur fracture... You could see the bone appearing thru his lap.
Still gives me the cringes.
Posted by DukeTyrion on 2008-10-21 12:04:53
Some things will never leace you, just make sure you have talked them through with someone, ideally the first aid officer at your company.
I have in the past cleared up after a miscarriage, while the ambulance crew looked after the patient.
I have also (without saving them) given mouth to mouth to someone who has had a heart attack.
These things will always be with me, but I talked them through afterwards. And i will always be able to look back knowing I did everything I could to help.
I hope the guy gets the use of his fingers back, but my experience tends to suggest that machine accidents often do so much damage as to make this unlikely.
Either way, make sure you talk it through with someone, then pat yourself on the back for being willing to help.
Posted by Mastermind on 2008-10-21 20:16:59
And count yourself lucky it wasn't someone who got their dangly bits caught in machinery or a really bad accident (like someone getting half their head sliced off).
Losing fingers is really nasty - losing a thumb is a lot worse - but there are far worse things that can happen, and it usually won't be fatal.