Posted by Chainsaw on 2013-10-09 18:24:56
And not single a ffff was given that day.
A cursory glance at your team and it boggles my mind that something so tedious could be so appealing to anybody.
Posted by albinv on 2013-12-06 05:44:51
I suppose you are familiar with the fact that the japanese knights refrained from using firearms as their weapon of choice when they first got in contact with them being attacked by mongol invasion troops (even when they were already capable of producing better copies than the mongols originals).
After a period in the 16th century where firearms where heavily produced and also used in military conflicts (they were still seen as wrong and ignoble by many) the samurai dropped them altogether and were using the sword again.
Obviously they found that a more effective technic doesnt necessarily produce a more effective and better society and that of course the same can be said for the humans forming it.
Seeing your team is even themed after a samurai sword and your coach name seems to go in that direction as well, one has to say - shame.
Rated 2.
no, actually i make it 1 for being forced to give a bad rating to a legend status team!
So, pretty much a shame for everyone and everything.
+ all what Chainsaw said...