Posted by Garion on 2012-03-30 12:51:33
elves are tough for skaven, Necro Norse and Orc can be tough but the other teams you faced are perfect opponents for rats.
Oh and dont play mirror matches they suck.
Posted by Leilond on 2012-03-30 12:58:04
Well... a two or three "Full of Mighty Blow" team, I need a recovery, and if the only non-basher on the game finder is a skaven, I play vs skaven
And I don't want opponent to beat, I want opponent to play with, different playstyle teams. I don't mind that "elves are tough for skave", I would like to play some "different matches", not always the same dwaves full of MB and Guard all around
I'm really asking something so unbelivable? A part from the completely unusefull rant :P
Posted by Garion on 2012-03-30 13:00:21
It depends what you play for, I find elf ball games between two agile teams pretty dull. When i play Skaven i would rather player Dwarves, Chaos Dwarves, Chaos etc... than any other races game after game.
Posted by koadah on 2012-03-30 13:06:04
>Really... where are the elves? All four of them?
Maybe they are already pimped and parked for a Major.
Posted by Narlgoth on 2012-03-30 13:09:45
To be fair at least your wins and losses are about the same! My Skaven team's current progress is 3/0/8!
I've struggled most against Agility and good all-rounder teams- Elves out skill & Agility Skaven, and good all-rounders like Humans and Norse are hard hitting AND good at scoring (I've suffered the most disgusting games against these two races).
I prefer slow, brawley teams (actually I prefer Halflings, but doesn't everyone?) as they can be out manouvered the easiest. Yeah, so your going to take a beating, but at least you might actually win! :- .
Posted by Leilond on 2012-03-30 13:13:26
> Maybe they are already pimped and parked for a Major.
Sad :(
You're saying I should park my skaven team before my one turner get another injury?
Naaaaaa... :P
>I find elf ball games between two agile teams pretty dull
I find it fun, if you've played 5 matches against dwarf in a row and didn't managed to end any of them with more than 5 players on the pitch :D
> When i play Skaven i would rather player Dwarves, Chaos Dwarves, Chaos etc
As you see from my last matches list, I do not flee from bashers, but I would like to play both the match types and do not need to stay 20 minutes on the Game Finder to find a ball match (that means "skaven" because there isn't an elf out there today)
Posted by maysrill on 2012-03-30 13:35:41
I like skaven. Though I don't play mine a ton, they seem to do fine against elves (roughly even match, except wood elves, which I'm apparently 5/1/0 against).
You should be able to outbash elves (you get S access guys, they don't) and outrun everyone else (you can outrun elves too, but that's not the way to beat them).
I actually have a tough time getting games with mine, since they're a little too solidly-built to look like cherries, and elves don't generally like the Tackle/POMB blitzers.
I have DE that seem to fall in the 1850-2050TV range and Woodies that are well over 2k. If you're willing wait a while and turn down some games in the meantime, you can find games for your rats with agility teams.
Posted by garyt1 on 2012-03-30 13:40:58
You have broken the myth of agility being everywhere in ranked!
Are you playing on european evening when there is lots of people around?
Posted by Leilond on 2012-03-30 15:33:13
> Are you playing on european evening when there is lots of people around?
European evening is usually used for scheduled match
I usually play Ranked and blackbox random matches on morning and afternoon
Posted by the_Sage on 2012-03-30 15:51:16
We exist! Honest!
My teams on gf (over TV 1700) consist of 1 skaven, 1 delf, 2 slann, 1 helf
Below that I have an underworld (but with a wardancer style stormvermin) and a wood elf team.
Posted by Leilond on 2012-03-30 15:52:43
Some user seems to misunderstand me
I don't want to play easy match. I don't want to win. I want to have fun and play as much different game styles match as possible. I like run around dwarves like running after elf catchers. I like dodging away from mummies and kick the x to halflings.
The problem isn't that I lose too much... I laught at the win/lose percentage. The problem is that playing every time vs dwarves, chaos dwarves and chaos is BORING and on the long run you risk to finish your money to replace players ;)
Posted by PainState on 2012-03-30 16:04:01
Ok here is the deal. Once you get above 1700+ TV the # of diffrent races slowly starts to fade away. Once you hit 2000+ there are basically only 5 races that are found on the GF on a consistant basis
(Chaos, Nurgle, Dwarf, CD, DE) All the other races are gone. Now every once in awhille you will see one of those forgotten races pop on the GF but they get a match in under 3 minutes.
The one advanatge of playing a team that everyone wants to play against is that you dont have to cherry pick at all. You hit the GF with a 2300 TV Human team and if you just sit there for 5 minutes you will have 7 challenges. You get to choose.
Elves are notorious pickers...yes I said it...PICKERS. They sit in the background watching the GF. The minute a nice match up appears they flood that coach with challenges. Usually not even putting their team on GF just sending a link. They are stalkers of GF. They never show themselves, they allways NT's you if you have more than 1 MB or a DP.
If "winning" is not the main goal, just fun. Here is the GF plan then. Make a team, dont matter what race. Take no MB or DP or Tackle on the team. Get that team to 2000 TV. And you will have every single coach/race begging to play your team.
Posted by PainState on 2012-03-30 16:09:40
Now you specific skaven team is IMO just average. No reason why any coach would not play tham based on the stat sheet.
Another thing you can allways try is challenge down. Issue challenges to teams in the 1600-1700 range. Your team is not overpowering so coaches will not dismiss them out of hand + who does not like getting a little inducement bribe to play up.
Or go the other way with it. A woodie team shows up at 2100 TV...Challenge them! they will not be affraid of your team, probally licking their lips in anticipation of a 20+ SPP match. You get some inducement money to play with. Have fun and you never know might collect a wardancer head or two. And if that is not fun then you need to go play chess.
Posted by Rabe on 2012-03-30 16:10:43
Well, I only have dwarves that high (actually a fair bit higher), but at least without Mighty Blow! Playing against them is usually a fun experience for most player, according to their comments. :-)
Maybe it really is the time of the day... can't really say though. It seems I get offers from bashers and ballers equally with my aforementioned dwarves, but who wouldn't want to beat (in one way or the other) suboptimal dwarves? ;-P
Well, I still wish you good luck for finding the variety you need! :-)
Posted by PainState on 2012-03-30 16:11:39
Dont limit your challenges into a small window of +/- 900 TV. It is boring, harder to find matches once you climb the TV ladder and playing up and down 1500TV does make the game more fun.
Posted by Leilond on 2012-03-30 16:19:26
I appreciated the suggest to go more than 150 tv difference in my "look for challenge"... If I don't find my TV level teams, I will challenge 1500- or 2000+ agile teams next time, between a dwarf basher and a dwarf basher :D... it can be interesting
Posted by SvenS on 2012-03-30 18:44:26
I have plenty of elf teams! Feel free to pick me! ;)
Posted by SvenS on 2012-03-30 18:47:07
Disagree with painstate. I have HE up there (usually other kinds too)pretty much every time I go LFG.
Or do only sub 160 coaches count for some reason? :p
Posted by shusaku on 2012-03-30 21:18:21
Well I put my woodies on Gamefinder and in 40 min I dont get a game I guess that may be reason :)
Posted by Leilond on 2012-03-31 00:06:00
Finally we played togheter... and had fun, at least both of us said that :P
I really do not understand how people can say that a match between two quick teams isn't fun...
5-4... lot's of run, a dead player (obviously a rat), a badly hurt dancer and another -MA dancer saved by one of the apos, my ST 1 oneturner that, when all rerserves wehre ko was forced to enter the pitch, run around the pitch trying to avoid any contact with the damn MB dancer...
It was damn fun