Posted by The_Great_Gobbo on 2015-03-31 11:29:26
Jammy rodentz, I WUZ ROBBED!
Posted by grunth on 2015-03-31 11:45:30
marvellous, as usual ;D
Posted by Leilond on 2015-03-31 12:50:28
I was a bit "pity" that my opponent didn't scored the 2-2. He deserved it and it could be a memorable play and match, with only 2 turns for me to win (or lose)... but being a competitive conference, I obviously had to do my best to win
I had a marvellous time during game. A lot of fluff, with me and my opponent coach insulting the teams and the players, as skaven and gobbos are expected to do.
No fair play, no "grats and thanks", only insults to damn greenskin and fleeing rats
I play this game for matches like this