The Foul Peak Crawlers: Skaven team in the Albion Conference of the
OWCC League
Regular season match 1, vs Chaos Dwarf
Frostheim United, pre-match meeting
Entry 18 - June 30, 2015
The team was electrified; the season was going to start, and if the rats can manage to have a good first match, the sponsors will rain money over all of them.
Leilond: "We're here... finally. The weather is nice, the nobles pockets are lighter and ours are heavier. But this is going to end quickly if we do not play the best."
Transure the captain: "How about our next oppponent coach?"
The old rat emitted a soft sigh: "It's going to be difficult. They hit hard and have some very well skilled players. We need to defend the runners from their chaos dwarf blockers... they're going to hunt for our quick rats"
"ME HIT THEM!" said the Rat Ogre
The coach shooke the head: "Hit the hobgoblins first. They go down easly and you strength can give us some number advantage."
Leilond turned again toward the team: "They have strength and, thanks to the bulls, even a bit of quickness. We have to use wisely our best pace... but if they manage to cage the ball, it can be a nightmare for us... thus, do not let them cage, never, for any reason, with all your effort... but do not forget it's not our last match here in Albion and thus 'Flee today to fight tomorrow' is still valid"
Flee today to fight tomorrow
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