Entry 5 - March 27, 2015 Leilond walked in front of the team, looking arsh at them: "When I said that this season, pheraps, we were not enought strong to win the conference, I didn't mean we can be the last!!"
The rats moved in place in embarrassment, except for Stilythe the Ghost, that was playing with a young skaven fan that managed to reach the team lair. The coach continued: "I won't accept any result that isn't a victory this time. I will give half of you to my family rattogre if you do not exit the pitch with 2 points". He was talking aloud, nearly screaming Fluxake the Scared timidly tryed to reply: "Yes coach... we agree... but... well... against the dwarves we could not do much more than we did... they... they... they broke our defense so easly" Remose the Headspliteter looked at the line with disgust: "You little crying rat... This is blood bowl!!!" Stilythe the Ghost: "Run, run, run" Transure the captain: "I've got a suggestion coach. From now on, if we don't win a match, we won't recive the personal match prize from the income. All those money will go entirely in the team treasury." Jumbinrot the Ratsmasher: "What? I've to lose my golds, because of some weak and scared linerats?" Stilythe the Ghost: "Run, run, run" Leilond: "SHUT UP! If it wasn't for all those scared lines, being hit on the line of scrimmage, you should not had the opportunity to play at all. When we lose, it's my fault as of EVERY member of the team. Every single player!"
"I will think about your proposal Transure. For now, think only about next match victory. If everything go well as I hope, we'll be able to employ another couple of players to have some reserves in one or two matches" Leilond pointed his finger to his half-nose: "This was made by a goblin boss during the orc war. I want them to pay for this, so, smash them while you win the match" Flee today to fight tomorrow
---- END OF ENTRY ----
Posted by The_Great_Gobbo on 2015-03-27 11:35:33
Bring it mouse face, der Green Tide Yoof Sekshun iz reddy fer yer!