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Last seen 15 hours ago
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2023-08-04 23:29:11
rating 6
2023-03-05 05:49:23
rating 5.8


2022-05-19 18:15:40
rating 6


2020-02-02 14:38:05
rating 5.2


2019-07-11 04:49:30
rating 5.7


2013-08-24 12:51:34
rating 4.4
2013-06-04 02:48:26
rating 5.6
2013-04-22 03:32:37
rating 5.5
2013-02-27 09:30:14
rating 3.9
2013-02-24 20:15:12
rating 5.3


2012-11-20 08:22:39
rating 4.9
2012-11-09 12:38:32
rating 4.5
2012-09-21 04:54:32
rating 4.8
2012-09-06 04:57:04
rating 5
2012-08-03 03:32:33
rating 4.4
2012-07-20 03:03:14
rating 5
2012-06-26 09:06:04
rating 5.7
2012-05-29 20:17:29
rating 2.3
2012-05-11 01:19:46
rating 4.3
2012-03-29 16:41:11
rating 4.8
2012-02-22 19:25:14
rating 2.6


2011-06-25 16:07:38
rating 4.3
2011-05-28 17:15:33
rating 2.9
2012-09-21 04:54:32
20 votes, rating 4.8
clawpomb attack!
So I'm walking home from the movies today, and BAM! someone tried to clawpomb me in the shadows!

He rolled a knockdown, but i used fend and my armour held; and then someone with juggernaut crowd surfed him!

So I got home ok, but I'm rather badly bruised up. And now my stupid arm (which I broke back in june) is going to take even longer to heal.

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Posted by pythrr on 2012-09-21 04:59:22
j'accuse studmandudebro!

Posted by WhatBall on 2012-09-21 05:39:48
Sorry to hear that Nelphine. The Ottawa burbs are a rough place.
Posted by PainState on 2012-09-21 06:45:40
So....This shadowy figure blitzed moved you...Knocked you down. But you had to have one of your team mates clear out the mess and counter blitz move and lay him out. While you got back to you feet, smiling?

SO in essence you are just LOS lino fodder?
Posted by pythrr on 2012-09-21 06:51:22
or bait to set up a crowdpush?
Posted by Severedunit on 2012-09-21 08:19:14
Scumbag Blitzes Nelphine.
Block dice: Crunch/Push
Av Roll: 5+1=6
Scumbag uses Claw to reduce Nelphines armour to 7
Nelphine is saved by his armour.

Player 2 Blitzes Scumbag.
Block dice: Both Down/Both Down
Player 2 uses Juggernaut.
Scumbag is pushed into crowd and hopefully beaten to a bloody pulp.
Scumbag serves 2-4 in prison.
Posted by Nelphine on 2012-09-21 08:30:25
its even worse than that; the person who surfed the guy was actually a random car driving by who started honking and drove up on the sidewalk.

also, technically, the guy who clawpombed me had an assist, as well as a sweeper covering them.

so i'm totally LOS fodder.
Posted by the_Sage on 2012-09-21 09:42:57
So this kind of thing happens to you a lot?
Posted by Rabe on 2012-09-21 10:07:07
So, the player that saved you was kind of a Deathroller? And you are a dwarven runner on the LOS? You should REALLY talk to your coach! And your apo, since he left you with a niggling injury, it seems.
Posted by Ranensol on 2012-09-21 10:32:57
I want to laugh, but i'm not sure how serious you actually are (with the broken arm reference), so i feel bad instead... :-s
Posted by vaclav on 2012-09-21 11:31:22
What did he want anyway? Just some random lunatick?
Posted by Naru1981 on 2012-09-21 12:52:12
How many times do you need to be told?

Posted by GronxWild on 2012-09-21 16:38:04
today i was walking down the street when the ball carrier blitzed me!!, i used my shadowing skill to force him some dodges before he felt with the ball, a big box :P

don t blitz people on the streets!!!
Posted by Reisender on 2012-09-21 18:19:16
and i thought nothing bad happens in canada
Posted by Nelphine on 2012-09-21 19:53:17
technically i already had the niggle due to the broken arm, this guy did not give me any new injuries

but i think its more like.. i'm a rookie dark elf runner (without the ball, since the guy who attacked me didn't want anything, except a fight), my saviour was a niggled witch elf with juggernaut (turns out he goes to the same physiotherapist as I do, was highly entertaining when some random old guy says to me as i'm leaving 'hows your jaw?'), my opponent was probably.. hum, a norse beserker with sprint under the effects of a '4' on witch's brew, with a norse linemen with wrestle helping him (also on the witch's brew), and a norse runner behind
Posted by WhatBall on 2012-09-21 20:37:45
So you are saying you are a goth and a bunch of jocks tried to jump you? ;)

Glad you are ok.
Posted by Nelphine on 2012-09-21 20:49:34
gah, that's completely wrong. if we have to include stereotype now.. hum.. I guess I'd have to be a high elf catcher (with a niggle), since they are the closest thing to an academic I think we'll find. the attackers would need to be, probably, goblins, except no stunty. soo... *delves into stunty leeg* SQUIGS! not quite clawpomb, but since I'm av 7, they only need pomb. So! A squig with -1 S was the main one, and a squig herder with wrestle assisted, and another squig herder was behind.
Posted by WhatBall on 2012-09-21 21:06:56
Ahh, makes sense now. :)

Damn Stunties.