My FanFactor, my FanFactor, why have you deserted me?
I realise that real fans would hate to watch my games, senseless coaching of the most irritating type. Blaming it all on the state of the pitch, the weather, the ref, Nuffle or the fact that its Friday probably also does not encourage the faithful.
Now despite all this I would hope that sometimes only sometimes my few fans would be proud enough to admit that they do follow one of my hopeless teams, specifically the
Catastraphonic Carnival never managed to draw a good crow, even in the days when they were 6 games over 0.500 and had positive TD and CAS difference. Now they are in the doldrums and the Fans are not coming back even when they play well.
FanFactor will always remain one of the sour grapes part of the game and so this is just another lemon one has to swallow.
So what can be done? Nothing except sacrificing more parrots to Nuffle I guess.