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2016-03-16 10:31:32
rating 5.4


2015-10-29 16:33:06
rating 5.6


2014-08-29 00:56:06
rating 3.5
2014-06-29 23:42:55
rating 4.8


2013-10-25 18:50:31
rating 5.7
2013-10-04 20:08:12
rating 4.3
2013-09-04 14:52:58
rating 4.2
2013-09-02 15:52:15
rating 4.4
2013-08-29 12:53:44
rating 2.3
2013-08-17 13:49:39
rating 4
2013-05-29 13:06:43
rating 5.4


2012-03-02 09:09:11
rating 4.7


2011-10-04 13:03:41
rating 4.9
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2011-08-08 23:31:05
rating 5
2011-08-04 12:13:28
rating 3.3
2011-04-30 12:53:32
rating 4.5


2010-07-27 19:39:46
rating 3.5
2010-03-09 20:38:10
rating 4.6
2010-02-06 20:43:02
rating 5.2
2010-01-06 09:23:32
rating 4.7


2009-12-22 21:36:30
rating 4.1
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rating 3.9
2009-12-17 20:46:30
rating 3.9
2009-11-11 20:51:54
rating 3.3
2009-08-22 21:55:36
rating 3.8
2009-07-18 23:06:19
rating 4.2
2009-07-17 01:31:28
rating 4
2009-07-11 21:14:26
rating 3
2009-06-25 23:29:49
rating 4.4
2009-06-18 23:23:13
rating 4.2
2009-05-29 22:50:40
rating 2.5
2009-05-12 20:59:48
rating 3.1
2009-04-18 21:56:53
rating 5.1
2009-03-17 22:52:28
rating 3.9
2009-03-11 00:56:01
rating 3.9
2009-03-03 22:26:27
rating 4.2
2009-01-31 22:32:18
rating 3.7
2009-01-21 22:57:57
rating 3
2009-01-17 13:11:08
rating 3.2
2009-01-08 23:19:49
rating 3
2009-01-06 21:52:02
rating 2.9
2009-01-02 21:01:14
rating 3.3


2008-12-30 00:24:30
rating 2.6
2008-12-22 13:08:59
rating 3
2008-12-20 11:57:08
rating 3.8
2008-12-19 15:27:55
rating 3.8
2008-12-18 01:38:12
rating 2.9
2008-12-17 20:53:22
rating 2.6
2008-12-15 22:30:04
rating 3.1
2008-12-14 17:05:52
rating 2.8
2008-12-12 01:48:41
rating 3.6
2008-12-11 00:59:48
rating 2.9
2008-12-09 00:47:44
rating 2.8
2008-12-07 15:06:34
rating 2.3
2008-12-07 02:06:34
rating 3
2008-12-06 23:28:51
rating 3.1
2013-09-02 15:52:15
20 votes, rating 4.4
The best league, [R] or [B]?
In a futile attempt to become better at Blood Bowl I am considering playing 3 games as every BB team. My reasoning is that with more games I will become better and playing as every team I will gain an understanding of each one, plus I might find a new team I like playing as. I mainly play [L]eague these days, in fact my last [R]anked match was over 2 years ago and my last [B ]lackbox match over 4 years ago.

However, from reading blogs and the forums, I have gained this impression:

[R] is for sexually-repressed pickers


[B ] is for socially-inept minmaxers

So where should I go to learn maximum BB skills?
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Posted by blocknroll on 2013-09-02 15:53:23
popcorn time!
Posted by Purplegoo on 2013-09-02 15:53:41
Well. This can only end well. :)
Posted by Garion on 2013-09-02 15:54:33
just use both. try and get a game in ranked if nothing, then activate a team 2 minutes before a draw in blackbox and quit looking in ranked. If you dont get a game after the blackbox draw then go back to game finder, then rinse and repeat.
Posted by Purplegoo on 2013-09-02 15:55:15
Actually, whilst we're here, we may as well deal with the question of which is the one true faith?

Strikes me that'll be less troublesome.
Posted by Russo on 2013-09-02 16:08:17
LOL Goo always starts off on the fence then wades in with his philosophically evaluated opinion when the flames are well and truly going!

Well I have never played [B] which I assume is a typo in the origional blog entry where it is omitted.

I have played a lot of [R] over past few days and had a lot of well balanced games. You are not forced to accept the games and I cant say I have ever felt picked in [R] whether now or in the earlier days when I played a lot more.

[L] is definitely the best and so I accuse you...YES YOU ROYSTON.....of disloylaty by phrasing your Blog title so poorly!!!!
Posted by Royston on 2013-09-02 16:10:01
BB Code messed up my post, I've fixed it now though.

I know that [L] is the best, just maybe not ideal for my idea.
Posted by Woodstock on 2013-09-02 16:13:35
dwarfs in B for positioning
elfs in R for elf skills

and that is about it... I mean, bash/cpomb requires no skill, so you don't really need to practise that...
Posted by B_SIDE on 2013-09-02 16:29:52
L>R>B. But if you really want to get good at blood bowl, play stuntyleeg. ;)
Posted by OenarLod on 2013-09-02 16:41:22
[R] is the best one, in fact it can be properly spelled in BBcode.
[B] is obviously inferior and you have to spell it [B ] just to avoid censorship.
I prefer to play in [B] (well, after [L]), anyway... :)
Posted by keggiemckill on 2013-09-02 16:42:36
I became better in the Box. Not being able to pick opponents helped me build teams better and protect my players. I've gone up 10-15 CR. that isn't using Min Max'ers. Once you get a team up around 160, you get to play even type teams.
Posted by OenarLod on 2013-09-02 16:45:51
More seriously: play a RRR in [R] with each race, play 4-x games in [B] with the same race were x is the number of round you played in the RRR with it.
It's just 24 games more than you planned.
Posted by Endzone on 2013-09-02 16:46:48
I would say 3 games as each team won't really give you an understanding of them. I would pick a race that appeals to you, look up the best coaches with that race and review some of their games. Try and see what they are doing that is different to what you would do and try to apply it yourself. Once you have an understanding of one race, then pick another.
Posted by Dhaktokh on 2013-09-02 16:48:34
Popcorn for me as well!
Posted by PainState on 2013-09-02 16:56:35
I head for the fire exit to get the hell outta of here.

What is that smell? Burned popcorn or is this place on fire?
Posted by BooAhl on 2013-09-02 17:08:52
Try the RRR as well on the side. Grwat tourney for learning to play with new teams.
Posted by Uedder on 2013-09-02 17:11:21
Blackbox and Ranked are both good. Blackbox teaches you how to deal with heavy-bashing teams, Ranked it's better for building your team, it's less extreme imo (once you learn how to avoid pickers).

Posted by shusaku on 2013-09-02 17:41:28
I also think playing 3 games with a race doesnt Show you much. You can skill up and dont know how the Team feels at higher tv. Also for me it takes maybe 20 games with a race to get a Basic understanding of it.
In ranked you have the opportunity to Play against the race you want, so you have more influence on what Kind of match-ups you want to practice
Posted by Roland on 2013-09-02 17:46:09
Posted by Wreckage on 2013-09-02 17:58:59
What really only matters for your purposes is that you play a multitude of different setups.
I don't think three matches will be enough tho and your entire approach is probably a bit too random.
I tought myself the game pretty much the way you do it now but I think a more sophisticated approach is to do this:

Use one team, see how it does against others. If you meet a race you don't seem to be able to beat, try using that race. Pay carefull attention to how your opponents beat that race and what its weaknesses are. Then you can either switch back to your old race and see how you do now that you know all the weaknesses, or if you still feel to inebt, try yet another race that seems to be able to beat your new race and continue this procedure until you have gone through all of them.
Skip the races that don't ever beat you to begin with.
Posted by Ehlers on 2013-09-02 18:04:11
The problem is actually more on your own part. Ask yourself the question: Do you dodge game offers in [R]?

If you do, then their might be matchups you will never learn how to deal with. Playing vs CPOMB teams might just seems like the other coach is playing on auto pilot and not thinking. CPOMB teams are beatable and it is not a 100% sure win. So about not playing a CPOMB suggetion, screw that to be honest. If you come up against a good coach with your CPOMB team, you most likely will learn how such a team can be dealt with.

Also you might want to check the game list regularly for a week to see in which division that most high profile and high CR coaches play in. Playing against better coaches will help you be a better player.

Also some people might frown at this, but if you belong to a group on FUMBBL (Like me for FUMBBLDK or some other) it might be an idea to have them spectate your game and ask for suggestions and such. Do this out of your own turn to not delay the game. If you do it in your own turn, then dont do it every turn. Only do it for a critical moment of which player would be better to blitz their ballcarrier or similar things. In time you will learn from this and in the long run you wont need their advice any longer.

While I can understand why you want to play every single team, I would advice against it. Pick 5 teams and then play those 5 teams a lot.

Elf team: WE/HE/DE
Bash team: CPact, Chaos, CD,
Regen team: Undead or Necros
Stunty: Flings or Goblins (with minus the bomb)
Oddity: Skaven, Dorf (You might learn positioning, but that you will also learn as a stunty team), Human, Orcs

Good Luck
Posted by MattDakka on 2013-09-02 19:08:02
You have to play in Black Box, of course.
Posted by Scaramanga on 2013-09-02 19:52:59
Human team in blackbox is what you need !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by C3I2 on 2013-09-02 20:10:07
Wo reading all posts, International League?
Posted by giorss on 2013-09-02 20:35:05
test mode and NAF tourney style teams
Posted by BillBrasky on 2013-09-02 21:38:04
They have their strengths & weaknesses, of which I am sure you are well aware.

I play Box to avoid the hassle of arranging games.

I do play all races, and I find the random environment a lot of fun.

I also meet new coaches often.

I think what division you prefer is based on your personal style.
Posted by Dan-Da-Man on 2013-09-02 22:16:16
BB is not that badbad ranked well good luck when you start using CDs or Dwarfs
Posted by Greedy on 2013-09-02 22:58:33
As now one else has stated th eobvious answer I'll just leave this here:

[F]action for the Win!
Posted by pythrr on 2013-09-02 23:21:07

the rest can shut up.
Posted by WhatBall on 2013-09-02 23:58:53
Posted by WhatBall on 2013-09-02 23:59:18
and [S] :P
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2013-09-03 00:12:11
Stay in [L].

Also, why are people so narrow minded... are we not allowed to play all divisions? :P
Posted by The_Provocateur on 2013-09-03 00:51:22
(R) is better because I can play goblins with massive inducements on a consistent basis.
Posted by Jeffro on 2013-09-03 04:03:34
Wanna get better faster?... someone had mentioned RRR, and I would include the FUMBBL SMACKS in that. Like mini tourneys where you can't prepare for your opponent, save the fact that they want to win. Even the occasional Ranked or Blackbox game, folks might at some point just be in it for the team building (or team wrecking, for that matter). Tourneys make you better. League is most fun (and funny enough, most of them are set up as tourneys :)
Posted by koadah on 2013-09-03 08:36:34
IMO you don't need to play every race. Playing against them managed by a good coach should be enough. Analyse your replays, spectate games, analyse top coach's replays.

Three games isn't enough. Pick your favourite races/teams and dig in for the long haul. Play the others from time to tine for a change.

You need a a good variety of matches vs good coaches. You'll probably need to concentrate on the matches that you are most likely to get. But also make sure that you don't get caught out by 'forlorn' teams.

Ranked is probably your best bet. It will be time consuming so you don't want to waste time by being drawn against weak teams/coaches. It shouldn't be difficult to get a game as you will be effectively letting yourself get picked. ;)

It is probably worth getting some Box humans though. That's a good test. But you cannot live by Box alone. Box builds/diversity are probably are probably not representative of what you'd find elsewhere.

But yeah, you gotta play a lot of games & watch a lot of games.
Posted by Dalfort on 2013-09-05 02:48:10
Posted by Greedy on 2013-09-02 22:58:33
As now one else has stated th eobvious answer I'll just leave this here:

[F]action for the Win!


You are my new best friend :) (I believe it to be a new saying in youth quarters!)