"In other news, the upstart Slann team the
Pond Dwellers , currently playing in the 'BlackBox Open Environment', have put a bounty on the
High Elf Blitzer Lancer II . The outcry for amphibian revenge came after the recent
match between the Pond Dwellers and
Imperium Inc (
1-1, 3-1 dead) which left the frogs with three dead and one near-dead frog. Two of those deaths were on the hands of the aforementioned emerging blitzer, as was the near dead experience of an experienced Slann blitzer, who was saved by the excellent intervention of the apothecary. This has put the Pond Dwellers' casualty list on an impressive 11 deaths out of 13 games. While the fans are enjoying every moment of proper Blood Bowl the team and its coach TheSyron have had enough, however.
"We really need to put an end to this madness", said TheSyron in a post-game interview. "My frogs were getting murdered out there, and we weren't even playing against Minotaurs or Ogres. No, they were Elves.
Elves, for croaking out loud! This needs to stop. Sadly, I don't see a way to stop other teams pounding on us right now; we need some more experience in that aspect. So the only other option I see left to us is to start putting up bounties on those players who kill my boys. You see, I coach a junior league Goblin team in my free time as well..."
For further information regarding the bounty, the team refers to the
Bounty Hunters Guild which will be used as the middle man. Rumour has it that the Pond Dwellers are offering a hefty sum, some points, as well as a cool beer down the pub."