I'll tell ya,
this was quite the game. The 3-3 scoreline might already give an indication, but it was even crazier than you'd expect.
Ravenous Rock, a rookie Kroxigor who had only managed one cas so far, scored a desperate try for a td and managed to complete a pass on turn 16 to get the skill (guard).
The TD itself was certainly a longshot. The Rock was the only player in range on T8 so he blitzed the slave who was marking in and ran in the endzone (2 gfi) to receive the long bomb from
Har-Har, our dedicated thrower (AG4, accurate, stunty). Amazingly not a single roll failed!
The rest of the game was equally fun, and while I thought I'd won when Har-Har snagged the ball to score the 3-1, I don't begrudge Crook the draw, since it was a fun match against a fun coach!
The other Kroxigor on the team,
Garada also managed an impressive feat of agility in an earlier match. Garada blitzed some unlucky ball carrier deep in his own half to the ground, catching the ball (6+) in the proces. He then proceeded to rush the ball forward and out of blitzing range for a couple of turns, to make a short pass in a blizzard which was caught and run in for a TD on the final turn of the first half.
So beware when you're facing the Bronzen Zebras, even their big guys are agile!