Posted by maysrill on 2009-12-28 14:26:20
I forget how long it took me to get past the 150 mark after my n00b plummet, but it was a while.
Basically, I think it was 3 simple things that got me back above "sub-noob" level:
1. Stop getting cherry-picked
2. Stop pixel hugging (mostly at least)
3. Stop taking silly risks
Again, grats on your milestone, and good luck getting to 160 now :)
Posted by bobafettsmum on 2009-12-28 14:29:29
Cheers mate.
Posted by Curro on 2009-12-28 15:59:56
Cheers mate!
Good to see I was the one who brought you up the 150CR! Looking forward for a revenge and take you down where you belong again. =P
PS.- Joking. Congrats!
Posted by Russo on 2009-12-28 16:15:50
Well done lad, see those two CR points I donated to you were let me take 10 back with interest :P
Posted by Araznaroth on 2009-12-28 16:55:16
Go Boba!!!
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2009-12-28 19:08:43
Way to go.
I too dropped way down when I was a Noob... to CR133.something
Now I am at CR164.something and ranked in the top 300.
A little obsessive gaming goes a long way.
To continue your rise I suggest playing Races you are best with for awhile and playing lots of Ranked Tournaments.
For me this means NO Dwarves, Khemri, Chaos, Goblin, Fling, Amazon, Ogres or Necro teams for now. I suck with all of those rosters and will have to try learning them later.
In the Tournaments you will meet the top coaches and as long as you don't get PWND your CR will improve even in a loss.
Also playing head-to-head with the better coaches will teach you so much more about how to beat other coaches in ranked.
Posted by pythrr on 2009-12-28 22:21:18
welcome to the Normal Zone
Posted by Gruenblitze on 2009-12-28 22:28:07
Cheers - long live Bloodbowl!
Posted by BillBrasky on 2009-12-28 22:42:16
Well done!
Now your next mission should be join the BlackBox & keep a BWR of 150.
That will be another healthy milestone.
Posted by bobafettsmum on 2009-12-28 23:43:23
Cheers guys for all the nice & helpful comments.
Posted by Jeffro on 2009-12-29 03:38:32
Well done boba! I myself am working towards lowering my coaching rating... to each his own, I suppose. ;)
Posted by Arktoris on 2009-12-29 03:53:30
gratz on getting back your virginity