Posted by Jester_Spirit on 2010-02-06 23:22:13
Well... there WAS a Vassal-Module for 40k.
Posted by JellyBelly on 2010-02-06 23:33:59
Warhammer? ... wasn't that one of those quaint little niche games that GW did way back when, for people who weren't hardcore enough to play Blood Bowl?
Posted by DonTomaso on 2010-02-06 23:39:52
There was one guy who had a site where you had to pay a membership... Don't know if that survived the C&D-letters, though.
Search the forum for (I think) Necromunda online, because it was in one of those threads I read about it.
Posted by Twonky on 2010-02-07 12:45:00
I started playing warhammer online at launch date.
They messed it up there were good ideas but they couldnt handle the execution. EA sacked the guy in charge and subscribers started dropping including myself. From what I hear they are dropping servers to keep the remaining ones populated enough.
They screwed up in a couple of basic ways firstly they made the Chaos side much cooler than the empire side. So to encourage people to play empire they made the Bright wizard and the warrior priest overpowered.
At low levels the PVP battlegrounds are quite fun at higher levels theres too much lag due to numbers involved and you just get stun locked to death.
Also theres no point in doing the pvp battle grounds as the public quest gear is much better.
Posted by blader4411 on 2010-02-07 12:47:52
There's a 1-time fee of I think £8, but then it's free.
Posted by Twonky on 2010-02-07 12:48:59
Theres the rts warhammer games as well for both 40k and fantasy the 40k one got good reviews but the fantasy one was fairly mediocre
Posted by arw on 2010-02-08 10:36:12
Warhammer 40k - Dawn of War
Well it certainly ain't the same as TT 40k but Dawn of War is a fun game. It is RTS and altogether a lot different from TT 40k.
Build up RTS kind of thing. No army from the start but development.
The basic game includes Marines, Chaos, Orcs and Eldar.
The "Winter Assault" expansion brings the Imperial Army and Tau if I ain't mistaken.
It really feels like 40k; Dawn of War uses a good "40k fluff theme" without actually being the real thing you might say.
Strategy is focused on dominating the battlefield (control points etc). That adds to the action loaden pace of the game since you'd probably like to be the first to conquer those points.
DoW also features morale: troops flee and groups are disbanded when the morale is too low.
The single player campaign is rather short but well made with a nice 40k story.
Single player skirmishes are also enjoyable since the AI is not too bad.
No idea how playing online works however.
I was planning to join in with some friends playing DoW in LAN (or rather Hamachi). Maybe I could add a report about multi player when we did that. If you are interested that is.
Since it isn't new it should be cheap.
I paid about 5€ for a 2nd hand game.