Posted by clarkin on 2010-06-03 12:34:21
Why o why didn't I go for Khorne!
Love the metagaming strategies :D
Posted by maysrill on 2010-06-03 13:44:07
Yeah, I expected Khorne to be a little more hotly contested, and attract most of the ogre teams in the tourney. Tzeentch being the big one was no surprise though, he clearly offered the best prize (god of hope and all, suckering more people in...)
The Slaanesh thing is funny. I figured you might get the human, elf, and skaven teams in there, since they can, you know, USE shadowing. It's clearly the weakest gift (by a large margin) and apparently everyone figured it would be soft.
As for my team, I brought woodies, and I'm the only non-basher in the Slaanesh rabble (there's another in the mix for champion), so at least I just have to live and score ;)