It was brought to my attention that there is no plan to include BlackBox Majors into the 'Major tourney Statistics' thread
It was suggested that i do it myself, and therefore i am going to try.
Now since we have a much easier starting point (only 3 majors played by the time this is done), I intend to include a lot more statistics and 'Did you know's '. So far I have listed as things to include as:-
Major Trophy wins for teams/races and coaches
Final appearances for teams/races and coaches
Last 8 appearances for teams/races and coaches
(all as the regular thread)
Total appearances for all races in all majors.
Most ties won in all majors by coach and team
Most confirmed kills in all majors by coach and team (Maybe a top 3 for each)
Most deaths for a coach/team in all majors (probably a top 3 again)
Most fouls for coach/team in all majors
Most cas in a game for each major and an overall record (like olympic/world champions record vs world record)
Most TD's in a game as above
Highest gate in a game as above
Then i want a few did you know's. So far i have
Coach with the highest number of coin tosses won (for draws)
Update on skelies from CoS
Update on Mutations from WoC winner
If anybody has any more did you knows that relate only to a blackbox major game or tourny could you please let me know and i will include the best ones.