I am going to start by saying that
Aflo is quite simply the most enjoyable coach I have played against to date - and I have played against some very enjoyable coaches.
Aflo seemed to enjoy the game as much as I did, was very chatty, friendly and played the game in the spirit in which I feel that it should be played in.
But I feel that I should also publicly apologise to Aflo.
In T16 I had the opportunity to crowd push a player of his - which I did. There was no real need to do this but I did for several reasons:
1. I didn’t know at that point that you don’t get SPP's for casualties from crowd pushes
2. I had been the victim of several crowd pushes during my first four games and my games in the
WIL FRINGE league. Therefore when I saw a chance to take it I did,
There was no tactical advantage to it, no gain in SPP's (though I didn't know this at the time) and therefore no reason to do this.
What have i learnt from this game?
I learnt many things in this game but the biggest learning experience has yet again been defensive Kick Off's. This is leading me to concede TD's which in turn is costing me the game.
I have started to read some of the suggestions
here and will try and work out which one will work best for my zons and apply it in my next game.
Team Development
Brittany Hart notched up another casualty - this one a defensive kill. This takes her to 6 casualties in 5 games - from 33 blocks (1 casualty per 5.5 blocks).
MIchelle Foley scored a defensive BH against the Treeman!
Shawn Michellas - Thrower scored the MVP again which took her to the next skill level - I chose SURE HANDS which will make picking up the ball easier and also ensuring STRIP BALL won't work against her.
No other player scored SPP's
FF stayed the same again
60,0000 in winnings .
(Which purchased another RR)
TR 130/126
Games Played: 5 (1/2/2)
TD Diff: -2 (3 - 5)
Cas Diff: 6 (8/3/1 - 3/1/2)