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Last seen 1 year ago
Sandwich (16694)
Win Percentage


2018-05-10 17:55:23
rating 5.3


2013-04-30 15:29:06
rating 4.4
2013-04-10 12:39:15
rating 5.9
2013-04-03 11:32:06
rating 2.2
2013-01-09 11:44:47
rating 5


2012-09-03 15:18:28
rating 4.9
2012-06-25 14:50:21
rating 1.9
2012-05-23 10:03:50
rating 4.2
2013-04-03 11:32:06
13 votes, rating 2.2
Pointless new roster proposals
Every so often we see people posting up ideas for new rosters, all of which are the best thing since sliced bread. But generally speaking, there are a couple of problems with them...

  1. they will never get implemented anywhere except in the head of the poster, since the rules are not changing any time soon
  2. they are generally rubbish

So... its pointless to come up with new roster ideas. Here are mine!

Most, if not all, teams fit into their own play-style, or at least have a gimmick that makes them unique. It could be blanket leap, it could be blood-lust, or it could just be higher than average speed and strength. But this means there are some gaps in the roster market that new ones could fill.

I'll leave it up to better minds than mine* to come up with exact details, but I reckon the following "teams" would be different from what we already have:

High MA and AV, but low ST + AG

Generally speaking, there are faster, more agile teams, and there are slower, bashier teams with decent armour. But how about mixing those up, so having a stat-line of e.g. 8-2-1-9. They can get around the pitch well, and though they may get knocked over when there they'll get right back up again. Won't have a hope of getting the ball though.

High ST+AG, low MA+AV

An alternative to the above... how about 3-4-4-6. Combining the brutal strength and agility of a vampire, with the movement of a mummy and the armour of a halfling. A good coach could keep these guys bunched up and roll a cage downfield for a full half, but a good opponent could stall it pretty well and pick off players one at a time.

Different skills

We've got blanket block and dodge, we've got leap and mutations. Cyanide have done the whole frenzy + juggernaut blitzing team. But there are still a multitude of skills that could define a new team.

How about a team where everyone starts with jump up? Side step? Dauntless? Grab? A rugby team, where the linemen get dump-off.

Some other ideas around more defensive play could be stand firm, prehensile tail, shadowing.

A team of "galacticos", where the team rerolls cost a packet but everyone gets pro?

Finally, my favourite idea is a team based on positioning skills. Starting players with some of the less useful skills around, like fend, kick-off return, or pass block, would give them a unique play-style without making them overpowered. For this team I'd almost be tempted to name the linemen "pieces", just to ensure Purplegoo's head would finally explode with rage.

Short version for those skipping the wall of text:

Its pointless coming up with new team rosters.
I've done just that.
Just rate it 1 and go about your day.

* I'm being modest... there are no greater minds than mine
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Posted by Dan-Da-Man on 2013-04-03 11:38:34
I want a Giant in blood bowl after seeing game of thrones season 3 :)
Posted by blader4411 on 2013-04-03 11:44:16
I'd rather have a Dragon myself :)
Posted by the_Sage on 2013-04-03 12:33:10
Most new roster suggestion are for [S], and it is possible to implement them since [S] is fumbbl only.
Posted by huff on 2013-04-03 14:24:33
Ill take the Mother of Dragons or the Red women.