One year ago yesterday, I played my first game on FUMBBL. In the days before Gamefinder, I put my chaos pact team up against some halflings, rolled lots of POWs, and won convincingly. And was hooked.
Since then I've played 115 games... 88 in Blackbox, 22 ranked, and 5 Stunty Leeg. I've dabbled in tournaments, and even won a game in one or two. I've played as every (CRP) race, with some surprising results - my best record in the box is my
goblins, with a 3/1/0 record. But I still seem to be keeping to my overall record of failure against dark elves, as the pie chart shows... I would have played more, but in the past year I've moved house and had a second child, so my free time has been a little light.
I thought it would be interesting to see how my overall Bloodbowl win percentage has changed over the past year - to see if playing FUMBBL has made me a better player. In the same time-frame, I have played 18 games (8/3/7) in my local league, 24 (10/2/12) games at NAF tournaments, and 4 games (2/1/1) on Cyanide. These records are slightly worse than my usual, mostly because 11 of the local games and 6 NAF ones were with goblins. The graph below plots how my win percentage has changed over the year.
So... its not changed by much. Though there's a nice little increase at the end, from when I went on a streak of only 2 defeats in my last 10 games. If anything, there's a slight downward trend, though my tendency to play as different, trickier, races could be to blame. Or it could just be that the FUMBBL skill level is better than average, and I'm just not that good.
Either way... looking forward to the next year and beyond!