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rating 5.3


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rating 3.6
2015-05-25 15:49:09
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2014-10-30 19:59:13
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rating 5.7
2014-10-29 02:19:30
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2014-08-29 02:15:46
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2014-08-15 16:45:08
rating 4
2014-07-21 20:01:40
rating 5.5
2014-07-18 17:02:04
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2013-01-18 14:39:59
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2011-05-01 20:28:57
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2009-02-15 22:36:09
rating 3.9


2007-12-07 17:36:55
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2007-11-20 03:10:34
rating 4.4
2014-08-15 16:45:08
28 votes, rating 4
Turn 16 Fouling
Whether you think it's a good thing, a bad thing, or a ridiculously funny thing...

...it is permitted in the rules. We can all agree upon that.
Rate this entry
Posted by Roland on 2014-08-15 16:54:13
Posted by Lorebass on 2014-08-15 16:58:35
as Pythrr Might say:

Posted by Verminardo on 2014-08-15 17:21:21
Pointless blog is pointless.
Posted by Cloggy on 2014-08-15 17:35:12
BECAUSE I CAN is seldom a good explanation for why you do something.....
Posted by pythrr on 2014-08-15 17:36:32
it's a thing

Posted by Azure on 2014-08-15 17:40:11
Not everything that is permissible is right.

Everyone is responsible for their actions. Simply saying "it is allowed" or "it is legal" does not make it right - nor does it absolve you of responsibility of the actions you take.

Note: I work less than a mile from Ferguson, MO. Am getting tired of people not being accountable for their actions.
Posted by mrbibitte3 on 2014-08-15 17:53:40
How about macro and micro fouling?
Posted by keggiemckill on 2014-08-15 17:55:55
Can a guy foul on turn 16 if its going into OT?

I foul to remove specific players. If a CPOMBer or POMBer is laying down, I don't care what fricken turn it is. If I can foul that foul beast, then I foul him with a running start, using a pole to vault myself up into the air 19 feet to come down with a two foot landing right on his Brain Box. Then I splash some sugar on that Box and do a little sugar slide tap dance ala Bo Jangles circa 1920. Ill skip using the black face as it will get sticky in my beard, but His fans, teammates, coaches and specifically his family will get the point that I hated hit guts enough to foul him every chance I had gotten. T16, 3, 6 7, OT, doesn't matter.
Posted by MattDakka on 2014-08-15 17:56:45
Why bringing ethics to discussion when talking about a rule of a game?
You can foul according to Blood Bowl rules thus there is no need to discuss about the morality of it.
Some people like T16 fouls, some people don't, it's just a matter of personal taste.
Posted by NerdBird on 2014-08-15 18:01:13
It is in the rules, yes. It is also technically "illegal" in the rules(you can get ejected).

In the real world of sports we look sorely on opponents that do something less than honorable or despicable because they were losing badly or kicking the crap out of their opponents. In the real world this will get you suspended for a few games.

This is not the real world BUT we are real people playing a real game.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2014-08-15 18:03:23
Did I hurt your pixels? Cry me a river.
Posted by garyt1 on 2014-08-15 18:04:20
In the BB world crowds love a good foul!
Posted by roante on 2014-08-15 18:04:53

T16 foul iz fun!
Posted by keggiemckill on 2014-08-15 18:06:56
A 31-year-old recreational hockey player has been sentenced to 18 months’ probation after a rare criminal conviction for an on-ice collision — a decision that his lawyer says has set a dangerous precedent that could chill participation in such hockey leagues.


This was a last minute foul in a non hitting rec Hockey league. Hug that Chainsaw
Posted by keggiemckill on 2014-08-15 18:07:16
Oops forgot the smiley face. :)
Posted by liquidorange on 2014-08-15 18:07:55
All I said was that it was permitted. No other statement, real or implied, was intended by the author.
Posted by SaltatorMortis on 2014-08-15 18:12:42
in my opinion XP are XP and you can earn it with wounded enemys
Posted by keggiemckill on 2014-08-15 18:18:44
If you mean SPP, then you can not earn it with a Foul.
Posted by FTJUK on 2014-08-15 18:19:22
Whats next a CLPOMB blog...
Posted by Kryten on 2014-08-15 18:19:24
Rated 6 because I can't rate it 16.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2014-08-15 18:35:20
> It is in the rules, yes. It is also technically "illegal" in the rules (you can get ejected).

See now, I have an objection to this. It is not illegal in the rules. The person playing the game, committing the action that is legal... it is not your pixel. It is you!
Posted by MattDakka on 2014-08-15 18:36:13
No SPPs, but you could raise a Zombie with a foul. :P
Posted by cdassak on 2014-08-15 18:41:09
I wonder what was the author's intention and what event inspired this blog.
Posted by fidius on 2014-08-15 19:08:19
T16 fouls damage the long-term value of your opponent's team with no tangible benefit to you. In that respect it is like keying someone's car. It's disrespectful and I'm lightly offended when it happens. However I have more sympathy when the opponent has already been disrespectful on-pitch or in chat, or if there's a roleplaying reason for it (player killed your star during the match, etc.).

If you claim that T16 fouls are part of your team's nature in a roleplaying sense then fair enough, but then I want to see your team's brutal nature all the way through the match, even when it's not tactically optimal. Saving it for the last turn is cowardly and evidence of weak character.
Posted by pythrr on 2014-08-15 19:09:49
this blog is super great
Posted by Lorebass on 2014-08-15 19:23:22
There is totally a tangible benefit, If the guy dies or gets retired you'll NEVER have to play against him again. I don't mind fouling a star player that either demolished my team or scored 400 TDs regardless of the turn #
Posted by Diabl0658 on 2014-08-15 19:34:55
T16 fouls can be used as a threat to keep opponent from stalling, or to discourage opponents from preventing a one turn touchdown from you.
Posted by CroixFer on 2014-08-15 20:55:25
I rarely foul in T16. My thought Behind it is: I do not like to get my super star crippled by a T16 foul, so what should I foul your super star?

I do not whine when oppo does, even in the rare times in which my super star is actually crippled - which happens - but do not expect me to foul back your star for the simple reason that he is downed. Simply not in my mind. And that is Also the case at turn 14 if the game is totally decided except if the foul is on the player Who obliterated my frogs ;)

Posted by WhatBall on 2014-08-15 20:56:03
I see that foul option there in the menu, and it is just like a Blitz. I feel like it is a missed opportunity every time I don't do it.
Posted by albinv on 2014-08-15 21:39:46
Cloggy/ Azure ftw
Posted by Kam on 2014-08-15 22:00:37
Anyone here willing to join a metagroup for t16 foulers?
Posted by pythrr on 2014-08-16 03:33:54
metagroup? isn't it just called B?
Posted by gamelsetlmatch on 2014-08-16 09:54:25
Ya`ll make me want to make a team full of Wrestle/Frenzy/Dp`s..

..if you don't like being fouled then I bet you HATE getting surfed, too.

What about surfing + Fouling T16?

Posted by Beerox on 2014-08-17 05:28:01
There is no specific rule against calling your opponent's wife a dirty hooker during a tabletop game.