On the eve of the match,
gath'red the masses of fans.
Come to see that great catch,
they all took to the stands.
The beastmen were roaring,
with their razor sharp claws.
Elven passes were soaring,
Breaking gravity's laws.
But among them there stood,
A dauntless fellow, I'd call 'im.
He'd come from the south wood,
and he bore the name - Hallam.
His joy was not touchdowns,
nor miraculous catches.
He loved the crowd beatdown,
he racked them up in batches.
So when the great trolls
toss their heads back and bellow.
Know for whom the bell tolls,
and the toller? Longfellow!
Hallam Longfellow
And lest we forget,
foes without and within,
the one making you sweat...
... was created by Synn.