I never thought that I'd managed to make it through the draw with my amazons, especially considering I was up against chaos dwarves in the first round.
I managed to sneak through with a 1-0 win, including a coffin corner punt near the end of the match.
The second match was also against chaos dwarves -- the amazons weren't having any luck in the seeding. I managed a 2-1 win there as well.
The final was against Oventa's undead team. For those who haven't had a chance to play against him, he's a quality opponent. Great coach, nice as hell and had me beat cold. It was only through sheer luck that I managed to get a pow against the Count, knocking the ball into the waiting hands of one of my linewomen. From there, Oventa surrounded the ballcarrier forcing a dodge, short pass and catch from an amazon blitzer (Betty Spite). She scampered off down the field, out of range of the undead horde chasing her.
On turn 8, Betty Spite walked into the endzone and the Wicked Pissahs walked into history.
Here's hoping that everyone gets more involved in tournaments - whether major or minor - and that each gets to have as much fun as I did on this particular run.
Wicked Pissahs March to Victory
Addendum - Since so many opponents have asked me already -- the Wicked Pissahs are a women's roller derby team out of Boston, Massachusetts. The team yearbook can be found here:
Wicked Pissahs Yearbook