Posted by Rabe on 2014-10-29 10:02:01
Wow... how can 6 people rate this 1?!
Guys, no matter what team it is (killer chaos, undead, dwarves, orcs...) - this badge is not an easy one to get! Also, hunting such a badge means you willingly restrict team management - which in case of teams that don't get much love should be a reason to cheer!
However: Congratulations on your achievement! :-)
Posted by harvestmouse on 2014-10-29 10:44:46
Clawpomb ahoy Rabe. Get with the times.
Posted by liquidorange on 2014-10-29 14:09:03
Thanks, Rabe. The blog is mostly a record for me of when a tough badge was achieved. Happy hunting!
Posted by Rabe on 2014-10-29 14:24:30
@harvestmouse: I do! That's why it's so hard to achieve this badge. I assume a team that only ever plays elfbowl has a much easier time to get there (at least when starting with 14-16 players). A C-POMB team will never be able to avoid other bashers, be it in Ranked or Box. And Chaos is mainly AV 8 with only an apo to assist - not _that_ durable, no matter how much damage they inflict themselves.
I'm not eager to play against Watchmen Philosophy (I actually refused a match against them because of the Monsters' FC prep mode), but that doesn't mean I don't applaud such an achievement. :-)
Posted by Chainsaw on 2014-10-29 17:05:03
Curious: what's the closed shop badge?
Posted by Chainsaw on 2014-10-29 17:05:21
Ah, 25 games without hiring.
Learn to read, 'Saw!