I have read and reread many posts, blogs and rants about how this version of Blood Bowl is unbalanced, unfair and poorly thought out. I believe this is not necessarily the case, but the system does need tweaked.
So for February I am going to be posting my teams (hopefully one or two per day) as well as my adjusted rules. I know everyone has an opinion and not everyone will be happy with everything I have to post, but if you like it better then LRB 6 vote high, if you like it less vote low.
The purpose for this is to eliminate tackle as a birth rite to all standard dwarves, and stand firm seems like a more logical dwarven standard. Before you say this will over power the amazon teams wait for me to post them, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Posted by blader4411 on 2012-02-06 21:02:06
So much fun to have a line full of Block, Guard and SF by 6 SPPs.
You mentioned that LRB6 is poorly thought out. If so, what kind of comment should we give this team concept?