A different game I play (on a very limited basis) APBA baseball has a Hall of Fame for contributors to the game. This got me to thinking, what if we got a Hall of Fame for the NAF? Now I know not everyone here is a NAF member, but many of us are. I would say it announced every world cup, and I have no idea of the criteria of it, but I know a few that probably would be very deserving...
Jervis Johnson
I don't honestly know the first president of the NAF (neoliminal created the NAF/was the first President.), but that person should be added as well...
Now coaches, organizers and others could be added, but it would be a cool little thing that could inspire those playing now to be the best ambassadors to the game that they could be. Being good ambassadors, recognized for skill, or other general influence to the game we all mostly love, I think, it is logical for those people to be honored for what they have done for those that came after.
Anyone else have any suggestions?
That is all...
If you wish discuss in the comments.
Posted by JamesLangley on 2024-07-06 17:29:36
neoliminal created the NAF/was the first President.