Posted by bghandras on 2018-11-14 23:53:59
Gave 6 for the first few paragraph! Good, Sir, with that mindset you will master whatever you wanted. Thumbs up, and respect!
Posted by MenonaLoco on 2018-11-14 23:56:04
Good idea. No reason the client "suggests" own players first...
Posted by delusional on 2018-11-15 00:14:36
Sounds like a bug/feature.
Can't think of a good reason why a coach would play it against themselves... except in extremely rare circumstances. (i.e. somehow all your players are blocking your way to the try line).
Posted by ArrestedDevelopment on 2018-11-15 00:20:33
It's an end of turn card, so no, not if you were blocking your way to the line.
I've thought of several scenarios that could require a pit trap on self, but they're quite niche. That said, the fact they exist means it's quite legitimate to have your own team listed, and generally we list our own players first in the client. However unfortunate that may be in this case.
It could be more intuitive, but if i were unsure of cards' nature whenever taking them, i'd check them on the site before kick-off.
Posted by JellyBelly on 2018-11-15 01:42:15
I sympathise - I've had situations in the past where I've mis-clicked and it is very frustrating. Still, no sense in beating yourself up over it - all you can do is learn from it and move on.
Posted by fidius on 2018-11-15 04:32:32
Have kids -- you will make a mistake like this every day, except with actual consequences. :)
Posted by pythrr on 2018-11-15 05:55:47
that is an epic bollox-up!
Posted by thoralf on 2018-11-15 07:59:31
there are worse things in life than to lose against nacho
Posted by Rawlf on 2018-11-15 08:47:09
IMHO your biggest issue was not scoring on your drive in the first half. This cost you the game more than the card mishap.
Ofc you never know what might have been and it sure was a major bummer!
Posted by Nachtogen on 2018-11-15 13:14:52
Well, as I sent you in our PM, sucks to lose this way, but on the other hand, I tend to agree with AD above. (And also with Rawlf, I think even if you used it right, you were still in trouble)
Also, the current client will not likely be updated for this.
I do understand the frustration, but in the end it's just a game.
Good luck to you in the future.
Posted by garyt1 on 2018-11-16 18:00:59
Good post! Sounds like something that could be much better implemented
Posted by Verminardo on 2018-11-19 12:09:28
Yeah I feel ya, you don't get the chance to emerge to the quarter finals of the FC every day. Everyone would be beating themselves up over it to a degree. I only watched the replay but overall I thought you played pretty well and the match-up, after all, made you the underdog by a long shot. So I don't think you embarrassed yourself. I think we've all made errors over confusing dialogues in the client at some point, and special play cards are indeed one of the less frequently used elements. So thanks for the heads-up!
According to the rules: "Choose a player: that player is Placed Prone (...)" you CAN play it on your own guys so the client is handling it correctly. I agree it would be nice to have the opposing team show up first but as others have pointed out, it seems unlikely this will be coded into the client any time soon. Can't hurt to file it though!
Posted by spinball on 2018-11-24 00:35:15
Thank you all for the support, I hope I can do better next time... I am completely over it but it was a major step for me in life to be able to accept this kind of situation.