Posted by the_Sage on 2013-03-23 21:15:31
Mercs with tackle means using loners without block to hit things? Does not sound like plan A to me. You might even be better off with a dp merc and a bribe, at least he doesn't need to roll many dice. =)
chainsaw + bribe also works.
Posted by Hitonagashi on 2013-03-24 06:20:09
Personally, high strength stars. You don't have no tackle, you have a couple of MB/Tackle...while you won't shift his SS/DT'ers with that, you can still try and win the cas war.
Wizard is good, but you haven't really got anything to take after that. I think you either want to go Wizard + Chainsaw and hope (don't commit the saw like a looney, keep it inside the cage to saw up sidesteppers coming in, and foul with it), or Borak/Grashnak.
I quite like Grashnak, for 6d frenzy hits. He'll turn over at times, but without Wild Animal, he can't be left alone, and marking him means pain.
Posted by stej on 2013-03-24 11:58:13
Thanks for the pointers. I always forget the saw and bribe option although Ill give Grashnak a thought
Posted by Stonetroll on 2013-03-25 11:36:00
Have you set up a time when the game is to be played? I'd love to spec it.
Posted by stej on 2013-03-25 22:39:12
Well, the match was played and the cas dice didnt seem to like me all that much
I think I did the team proud but another death on another skilled player has really set the team back now.
Down about 500TV after 2 matches :(