Posted by pythrr on 2018-07-29 01:24:16
it's spelled Spiro
Posted by SpecialOne on 2018-07-29 09:40:08
If you are back for good, and are reliable, then join CIBBL. There is nothing more to it.
Posted by mrt1212 on 2018-07-29 21:36:35
No more Piling On, which has been a good thing
Big fat teams are in, meticulously curated teams are out
We have Argue the Call on fouls. If the ref catches your foul you can run onto the pitch and give him the business. On 6 the player is sent to the reserves. On a 1 you're booted along with the player and can't make any more Argue the Calls. 2-5 nothing happens.
Lots of coaches have come and gone.
Welcome back!
Posted by stej on 2018-07-30 13:00:47
No more piling on! What are people going to fill the forum with discussions about now!
I'll have to read up on the rules and get a few games under my belt
Posted by Sp00keh on 2018-07-30 15:32:58
No wizard either