Posted by Calcium on 2010-10-02 19:07:59
What you are suggesting would mean a lot of new rules or an overhaul of the existing rules. Whatever happens, the current rules (LRB6) are not likley to be changed for quite a while.
I've got to be honest mate, this is a bad idea. Accepting that sometimes you're going to smashed is part and parcel of this game. It's probably best to let this train of thought go, and you are just going to do your own head in with something that won't happen.
Posted by Arktoris on 2010-10-02 19:15:20
in earlier editions there was a random event card that could do something similar to this. If the player was CAS'd, he could ignore his broken bones and heroically continue to play...but at the end of the game you rolled a d6 and on a 6 he'd die.
we don't play with those wonderful cards anymore, so it's just not part of lrb4
GW has poo poo'd on it's bloodbowl customer base so I don't see anything wrong with ignoring their rules and doing our own thing. However, if the inventors of FFB start taking your suggestion seriously...they'll get flooded with literally a thousand other "idea" requests. So they most likely won't.
Posted by stej on 2010-10-02 22:49:54
Thanks for the feedback guys. I dont ever expect any of my thoughts to be implemented but just throwing them out there for discussion.
In a fairly automated environment you could make the rules quite complex and it wouldnt be an issue as the client could handle a lot of it.