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Last seen 8 years ago
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2016-12-07 08:26:23
1 votes, rating 6
Reddit Redux Season 4 Week 3: Turn 1 Concede vs Children With Robots
Good evening ladies and gentlemen!

Looks like the last games have been played for week 3 of the Reddit Redux Season 4 but lets get to the real action, how did the Rat-wonders of Turn 1 Concede make out.

Well lets shave some corners off our block dice and see who landed the pows and who rolled double skulls.

-First Half-

The game started with the Children winning the coin toss and choosing to receive, not a bad choice seeing how those Chaos Dwarfs as so slow moving the ball down the field. I mean, you could take a nap at the first kick and wake up before they reached the half pitch markers. Good thing that T1C was ready for the crucial first kick.

And what a start we had! In the opening blocks of the game, Chorf Blocker Kamile Bidan crunched Linerat Breek Mai-Faec into an early grave. What a game we have here folks! Absolute carnage right out of the gates! But even with that huge hit, the Children had a hard time getting their hands on the ball. Those Hobgoblins are just as clumsy as they look.

T1C took the hits in stride as blitzer Backstabber Harvey got to work removing the star Fouler Hobgoblin, Kicker. Smashing the poor green thing into a game long coma. T1C postured in their own half, refusing to give any ground or easy hits to the smashing Chorfs and charging Bull Centaurs of the Children with Robots.

The carnage didn't stop after the first death, Linerat Outch Tehhert was brutilly mauled by Chorf Blocker Jiron Amos. Outch was dragged off the pitch into the Apothecaries tent but Dr. Rat Stewart could not tear himself away from his favorite Warp-Opera "My Horde and Me", a tragic story of Love, Loss, and the need to feed all 15 of your newly born ratlings. Please don't message me spoilers, I have only seen up to season 3.

The situation was starting to look dire as loses continued to mount. But T1C refused to give ground as Hobgoblin Spike reached the half pitch markings. But this was the time to strike, Backstabber Harvey charged the cage with the assistance of fellow blitzer Hamstringer Macgee and Linerat Teak Mi-Dowen, opening a lane to charge through as Gutter Runners Sneaky Hefner, Wassa Balla, and Speedy Gonzolves stormed in around the exposed Hobgoblin carrier.

The Children did their best and broke out of the circle, pushing the ball to the left wing. But they couldn't capitalize on the hits with Bull Centaur Volfogg failing a block against Linerat Ima Injured. It looks like those completely not warp-roids injections are doing the trick.

With the turnover, T1C renewed their assault on the Children, moving Gunners Speedy Gonzolves and Wassa Balla around to attack the ball carrier, with Speedy holding up the assisting Chorfs and Wassa showing off his sweet Rat-Kwon-Do and wrestling the ball to the ground. T1C moved to secure the ball but did not attempt the pick up.

The Children fough hard to reclaim the ball and continue their drive but Centaur Volfogg failed to recover the ball, dropping it right behind him, in prefect position for the Gutter Runners to snatch it.

After a few assisting blocks to get the rest of the Children away from the ball, Wassa Balla scooped up the ball and raced down the field. Never had I seen a rat man move with such a purpose, this early point threatened to end the game early.

But the Children weren't going to go down with out a fight, in the 7th turn, Centaur Volfogg sprinted down Wassa and hit him good. Knocking the ball from his little ratty hands and onto the field. It was looking grim and the early point seemed to be slipping right out of T1C's collective grasp when Sneaky Hefner failed to pick up the ball.

It was the last turn of the half, and the Children were sweating bullets, they had no hope to score and would have to settle with denying T1C an early lead. But as luck would have it, Hobgoblins aren't that good at... well... anything, with hobgoblin Sari failing to recover the ball. With the half grinding down to it's last moments it was up to Wassa Balla and Sneaky Hefner to make the struggle worth it.

The pressure must have gotten to Wassa Balla who fell over himself dodging away from Sari. Leaving the half tied 0-0.

-Second Half-

It was T1Cs reception with 2 Linerats dead and injured, the bench was looking a little cold and lonely. But with both teams down players it was a 10 on 10 free for all. And the hits kept coming.

Children with Robots set up for the kick, hoping to keep T1C contained and pushing for the tie. But that wasn't going to happen with a team like our Rats on the field. It was win or die trying. Setting up heavy on the left wing, T1C was looking to punch right through the Chorfs and push for the fast lead.

Backstabber Harvey was in the mood for hurting as he charged Hobgoblin Sari from the line, giving her one heck of a headache. She didn't recover until the end of the game. And another foul threat was removed. At the end of the first turn, T1C was set for the score, with Run for it Ratman sitting in scoring position While Wassa Balla dropped back to secure the ball deep in T1C territory.

The Children were not ready to let that happen as the back line hobgoblins and centaurs moved to blunt the T1C scoring threat. With Nagare Ryouma knocking Ratman right off his feet and underneath the hard stomping cleats of Hobgoblin Kimiko. After a few kicks to the head, Ratman was taken off the field knocked out, and the ref carded Kimiko, taking her off as well.

But watching the Star Gutter Runner being carted off the field didn't stop T1C as the continued the hits on the Children leading to Wassa Balla handing off to Speedy Gonzolves. Who chugged up the field and away from any and all smelly Dwarfs.

That wasn't far enough to get away from Volfogg. The Bull centaur chased Speedy up the pitch, sprinting at full tilt, and smashed the Gunner into the pitch. Recovering the ball in the process. It was a grim time for T1C fans.

The drive was far from over though, as Hamstinger Macgee, the horned terror himself, rectified the situation. He smashed headfirst into Volfogg. Dislodging the ball and halting any and all hopes of a win for the Children. Wassa was fast on Macgee's tail, grabbing the ball and continuing the drive up the field.

Volfogg tried to continue his persuit of the speeding Wassa but couldn't get away from the defending Macgee, who pulled the dreams of a sack right from the bull centaur. The rest of T1C moved to screen the Chorfs from the Score bound gutter runners, tying them up in a stall. But Hobgoblin Spike was able to push his way through the screen to cover the speedy runners.

With a sucessful screen, Turn 1 Concede pushed the Children into a game of time. How long could T1C hold out against the hit oriented Chorfs? Could the Chorfs get to the Speedy Gonzolves and end the Runners play for a 1 up game? It was a nail biting situation as the 13th turn was coming to a close. But right before the turn could be flipped, Hobgoblin Spike threw a wicked punch at Backstabber Harvey. It was a low blow and it shattered the poor rats hip like a glass vase. The crowd was silent as Harvey was taken to the Apothecaries Tent, but Dr. Rat Stewart was again too busy watching his Warp-Opera shows to pay much attention to the cries of pain coming from his charges (it was later discovered that in the good doctors contract it clearly stipulates that any games between 3pm and 5pm Centrat Standard Time will only receive his services during extended commercial breaks). It will be hard to play next weeks game as Backstabber Harvey recovers from his pulverized pelvis.

But that was the last straw, as Speedy Gonzolves moved to score in the 14th turn. Bringing T1C into the lead with 1-0.

Turn 1 Concedes ranks were severely depleted after the rough pounding they received from the Children with Robots. With a full 3 turns for the Children to make this a tie game, they would be hard pressed to keep them at bay.

The Children prepped for a rush against the defenders but the could not take down the linerats on the LoS. And Sari failed to recover the ball leading to a fast turnover for the Children. All hope seemed lost as the clock continued to run down.

T1C wasn't about to look a gift Rat Ogre in the mouth and used the open line to charge through and preasure the Children into more hasty plays with Wassa Balla and Sneaky Hefner running though the Chorf lines to get at Sari and the ball. The T1C defensive coach Scrat Benatar wasn't a fool though, leaving Run for it Ratman and Speedy Gonvolves deep in T1C territory in case the Children managed a breakthrough.

The Children with Robots wanted the touchdown and continued to pummel any and all rat shaped things in their way. Chorf Blocker Nagare Ryouma was in the mood and hit Linerat Des Embowled low in the leg, shattering the poor rats knee. Des, it looks like its the chopping block for you, mate. Even after all the hits and hurts, Sari finally figured out how to carry a ball and started to move it down the field. However, she forgot how to run and fell over a shoestring at midfield.

In a last ditch effort to get another point on the board Sneaky Hefner moved to scoop up the fallen ball. But the ball was too slippery and he lost it in the pick up. Leaving the game up to the Children. If they could get the ball and score, it was a tie game. If not, T1C went home the winners, however broken they were.

It all came down to a long pass from Hobgoblin Spike. He had a look of determination. A hush fell over the crowd as he wound back to throw the ball. And just like all the Hobgoblins before him, he lost his grip on the ball and watched as it fell onto the pitch. What a sad game it was for all Hobgoblin kind.

Turn 1 Concede beat the Children with Robots 1-0. Leaving T1C tied for second as the third week came to a close.

Well ladies and gents, that was one roller coaster of a game. We laughed, we cried, we covered our children's eyes as bodies were eviscerated.

I can't wait to see next weeks game as Turn 1 Concede takes on the High Elfs of Calith Sorcerer Sentinels.

Now to get caught up on "My Horde and Me".

Good evening ladies and gents, I'll see you on the pitch.
-Coach Nocternal

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