Posted by FRSHMN on 2014-11-18 17:01:35
Face your biaseses... Play Skaven!
And if for nothing else, then for seeing them die in many horrible ways all over the green.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2014-11-18 17:04:49
Why do you? I know some people do that and get a lot of fun out of it. However, there are some that enjoy playing every race and want to play diversity. Maybe you are somewhere in the middle.
The good thing is, you don't have to retire anything. Just don't force it, go with the river man, let it take you where it's destined to take you.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2014-11-18 17:19:24
Fluff. Fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff.
If your team hasn't got fluff, you won't be attached to it enough to last 500 games. You gotta have fluff.
Let's talk about fluff, baby
Let's talk about being fluffy
Let's talk about all the good fluff
And the bad fluff
That may be
Let's talk about fluff
Let's talk about fluff
Posted by Dunenzed on 2014-11-18 18:51:20
Yes, Fluff. Also Goals.
The HLP offerred my SoB fresh goals every 2 months, especially in the early days. Complete a sprint. Get a Top Ten finish. Acheive a better sprint score than I've done before. Top Three finish. Win a Brawl. Win a season. Win more seasons.
Build a legend. Build a legend lineman. Build a legend Ogre.
You don't start out aiming to play 500 games. You just need a reason to play another 16. I was pretty rubbish when I started - but I've improved a little bit along the journey - even when playing silly things like Ogre Runners.
In R I've got no idea what that might be. Maybe the Badge project?
Posted by happygrue on 2014-11-18 19:31:34
If you want a long term team, make sure it's a team you love. Give it a twist, and fluff the fuff out of it.
How about Khemri with the best scoring TG ever? (BT FTW!) Or the best Khemri passer of all time? Take a page out of Rabe's playbook and go with the Agility Mummies? Or for something less frustrating, go with something that can win but go with a twist. I had some elves once in a league that would never retire injures. Another set that used all the dark elf positionals (one lino, forever!). Whatever you do, the secret to making it last IMO is having something to aim for beyond one lost game. So a great player died and you lost the game BUT ... you still moved one step closer to history and that player will forever be entombed in the hall of fame...
Posted by akaRenton on 2014-11-18 19:38:17
Nice post dude :D
I've had two teams that I became addicted to, first was flings which I started with no real belief of winning, just to do crazy stuff for giggles and then found them nowhere near as bad as people like to believe - AG boosted flings are seriously evil!
My second is my all zombie undead side, which I love to play regardless of win or lose.
For me what stuck was finding an idea where the fun was more important than the result. Along the way I've produced all 3 of my legends during my time on Fumbbl - 2 zombie legends and 1 fling legend.
When you hit on something that is fun regardless of the result, then it'll stick.
I almost exclusively play my zombies now, with a few league matches but am considering bringing my flings back to more regular play.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2014-11-18 20:58:06
Give yourself a goal. Highest fouling Treeman? Highest scoring Linerat? Highest passing Dwarf team?
Something different, something cool. Go for it, and get out of your comfort zone. :)
Posted by Seventyone on 2014-11-18 21:58:51
Play on the test division
Posted by Bullroarer4 on 2014-11-18 22:58:48
Believe it or not, but I like khemri for this particular endeavor. Angry newscasters have been around a long time. I also recommend giving an adoption team a go. Even if you only get a few sponsors, these guys will give some sort of feedback and some encouragement thru those blase times.
Posted by MrNomad on 2014-11-19 09:46:31
You have actually given me a little bit of inspiration Poods. I have decided to add fluff to this team: and give this team a real purpose.
Posted by DrPoods on 2014-11-19 10:36:06
Glad to help MrNomad!
Some nice thoughts here everyone. Certainly things to be thinking about. Keep 'em coming!
Posted by Joemanji on 2014-11-19 15:12:52
Echo the comments above: you don't start a team with the aim of reaching 500 games. Set yourself small goals. The first could be a way to get through the first 'bad patch'. It's hard to love pixels, but fluff will help.