Walkens of Choice have been the first team of mine to complete an ARR sprint!
It was an interesting ride with some great results undone by some epic stupidity and a complete inability to beat Wood Elves. That being said, I enjoyed every game (mostly =D) and I look forward to the team being a regular sprintARR.
The sprint finished with a W/D/L of 9/3/4. Having not been much of an Elf coach before, I think that is a pretty good effort for rookie High Elves. Especially since I was 0/2/7 previously in the Box with them. Might be getting the hang of it.
So, some stats.
Played: 16
Won: 9
Drawn: 3
Lost: 4
TDs For: 28 (1.75 per game)
TDs Against 16 (1 per game)
CAS For: 16 (12/2/2)
CAS Against: 28 (16/10/2)
Star performers have been the following:
Christopher Dancin' - Annoys me no end with inopportune 1s but has been the highest scoring player on the team. In his 16 games he has 13 completions, 7 TDs, 3 CAS and 3 MVPs. Rolling an MA was nice to make those passes a bit shorter and now that he has accurate he may turn out to be quite the chucker.
Christopher Sittin' - Been a bit of a jack of all trades. Some nice hits and was a bit of a scoring machine until I got a catcher. A blodge, sidestepper, Mr Sittin' has been great for us and I am now realising just how annoying a blodge sidestepper is if not facing tackle. Even against tackle he was effective. You better believe he got targeted. Regularly.
Christopher Posin' - Catchers are SPP hogs, true, but Mr Posin' has been a revelation. Able to cover tons of ground and do all the Elf things. But it was wrestle that has made him a really good addition. I have been using him as a sacker a bit and he seems to be taking to it well. Now with dodge to hopefully keep him around a bit if things go wrong.
Anyways, thanks for reading all. I am really pleased by the fun I had and what I learned doing it. I heartily recommend to everyone to try an ARR sprint at least once. They are bloody entertaining.