Posted by Cavetroll on 2015-02-01 16:52:03
I kinda like candidate 1, but I feel it's still missing something.
Posted by albinv on 2015-02-01 17:56:14
Candidate 1, but with the sunbeam effects of the second logo would be the best of the three choices. ;D
Posted by Throweck on 2015-02-01 19:19:40
Ah man thanks! However that was a quick 2 minute logo. The lettering for me isn't right. I think the lettering from the top one over an Aztec sun (which I have found) would be great!
Posted by IndiJuno on 2015-02-01 21:03:35
hmm , I would experiment with more text, I worked in sign design for a while, we used dafont and i think its called what da font. Both very good for font design suitable for what you want. and certainly not a white backround, or perhaps that will be transparent. A backround could be interesting too depending what you need it for. But so far I think the first one has the most potential.
Posted by DrPoods on 2015-02-01 23:29:52
Hmmm. Found an Aztec sun have you Throweck??
And thanks all for the input. Albinv, I don't have the skills in that area. Would be funky though.