Posted by mister__joshua on 2015-03-04 09:50:24
I used to have some big hat dwarves back in the day. Lost them all now, but still love the look of them.
Posted by howlinggriffon on 2015-03-04 10:59:56
There was a really good speed painting tutorial featuring a hobgoblin on FUMBBL but the picture seem to have gone awry unfortunately. The steps to take are still useful.
Posted by Silent_Hastati on 2015-03-04 11:39:10
I can't assist in painting, been ages, but here is a good tutorial on REMOVING paint, incase after you're done you dont like it and want to start over, or if you want to get poorly painted minis on the cheap online.
Posted by Balle2000 on 2015-03-04 11:58:24
LOL! That's hilarious Hastati. Anyway, good luck Poods, it's been 20 years since I painted my BB teams, so not much help here.
Posted by xnoelx on 2015-03-04 13:20:44
OK. First step is to clean them up. YOu probably aren't going for display quality, so mould lines may not worry you, but filing them off with a needle file, or at least a quick scrape with a craft knife, is usual. Then undercoat. It gives you a flat colour to start from, and helps the paint to stick, so that they don't chip so easily. Model shops, GW, etc sell their own brands, but car spray paint is cheaper and works great. Matt black or white are the usual choices. Black does some preshading for you, as you can leave the black showing in crevices and between colours, but can require an extra coat of paint to cover, particularly with pale colours; white, yellow, etc. White givcs a brighter base, and a lighter overall finish, but you have to apply your own shading. I prefer black generally, and with a team like this that are evil and heading for a fairly dark colour scheme, I'd recommend it, but opinions vary. Just don't spray too heavily, do it outdoors in dry weather, and paint in bursts with the can moving past the minis, not just aimed straight at them or it'll get too thick. Someone else can take over, or I might be back later. Gotta run now.
Posted by hissa-lives on 2015-03-04 13:21:38
Personally I don't like that speed painting article, seems a bit faded colours
If you want basic, just make sure base coat of colour is neat then wash and will give you depth, then go over high spots with base colour and add detail. if you make a mistake go over with base colour and wash if needed, won't be amazing but will be good enough :-)
Posted by Badoek on 2015-03-04 14:50:37
I posted a similar request on the forum a year ago, it might help you out a bit (or make you lose motivation since I'm still not done hehe):
Posted by DrPoods on 2015-03-04 15:10:41
Ha ha...
Thanks for all the help so far!