Posted by SvenS on 2011-12-06 16:19:30
Tror det när jag ser det?! ;)
Eller du menar förståss att du kommer flytta whinen till SL chatten! :D
Posted by BCH on 2011-12-06 16:20:10
So the next time the Box matches you up against a min/maxed clawpombed nearly 200 higher tv team that destroys you in 6 complaints? That would not be easy for me! :)
Posted by Woodstock on 2011-12-06 16:22:50
Just create an IRC channel with some friends and whine there... works perfect ;)
Posted by blader4411 on 2011-12-06 16:28:14
Wouldn't that channel swiftly become an empty IRC? :-P
Posted by BillBrasky on 2011-12-06 16:31:38
Two thumbs, way up!
Posted by PainState on 2011-12-06 16:38:06
voted 1 for whining about whining and then making empty promises about said whining.
Posted by Dragons on 2011-12-06 17:16:03
SL är ju bra att använda som terrapi
Posted by Dragons on 2011-12-06 17:16:50
Painstate how can it be an empty promis?
Posted by harvestmouse on 2011-12-06 17:17:41
Seconds Woodstock's advice or just do it on your own. Never ever whine in game chat, it doesn't have a good effect.
Posted by pythrr on 2011-12-06 17:34:58
Posted by TheDarkFlame on 2011-12-06 17:59:42
Blader, there's these things called friends. I don't know if you missed that word or just haven't heard of it, but they're often people who are sympathetic when you get matched against an unsporting psychopath with a murder-machine team.
Posted by neophyte on 2011-12-06 18:20:28
boring whine brings fun !
Posted by maysrill on 2011-12-06 18:21:03
I admire the sentiment, but I questions whether it's realistic.
I consider myself to be a pretty easy-going guy to play against, and I still whine about luck here and there.
Good luck though emulating St.Pauly, patron saint of laughing over your team's destruction. :)
Posted by harvestmouse on 2011-12-06 18:30:12
Well personally, I don't take bad luck or team destruction very well. However I'll wager that nobody has ever seen me express it.
Literally there is no point, and it shows you in a bad light. Why do you need to tell your opponent he's having great luck? That simply puts a downer on the game for both of you, and just shows bitterness.
Button your lip, give a congrats and gg and leave it at that. Nothing more needs to be said.
Posted by Cavetroll on 2011-12-06 18:48:37
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2011-12-06 18:50:20
Posted by spiro on 2011-12-06 18:57:29
say GG instead pffft !!!!!
Posted by blader4411 on 2011-12-06 19:21:26
Maybe once you improve and get your win-rate above 21%, other people will start whining to you about losses, and you'll realize it's not nice to read.
Right now, I suspect you're the one serving all the whine, meaning your opinion counts for very little.
Posted by Dragons on 2011-12-06 20:18:00
harvestmouse yes, better to let peopel have fun, and thats why i will try.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2011-12-06 20:21:25
Since when has win% been entitlement to an opinion. Maybe if you are minmaxing clawpomb teams, you would get fed up with general cas whining. However as I have a 20% win advantage over you blader, I might as well take anything you say in the future, with a pinch of salt right?
Posted by blader4411 on 2011-12-06 20:41:33
Feel free to Harvestmouse, you're more experienced. Just like I'm more experienced than a troll with all of 8 Ranked Games who decides to go raging in a blog.
Posted by TheDarkFlame on 2011-12-06 20:49:36
Blader: Erm.. No! I know perfectly well what it's like to both win and lose, these things don't just exist in Blood Bowl you know. And when people are having a hard time of it because they just can't seem to win, they need encouraging, not people to tell them to quit whining.
Perhaps you took my post a little too personally. It's a joke, man. It's not meant to mean anything, but you missed Woodstock's point pretty drastically. If someone gets destroyed in a brutal match, most people you'd call "friends" would be sympathetic, not tell them to suck it up. After all, we all like a good moan about things, even if they don't actually bother us all that much.
And you don't need to bring my win record into this, that's just daft. For one, I know I'm not very good, but it doesn't get me down. I don't play to win, or to decimate the other team, I play for the mad things that happen when you're out of rerolls and relying on absurd dodges and passes, or when something happens on a 9+ roll that completely flips a drive, or when the ball ends up stuck in a Treeman who's Taken Root, or the many madcap things that make Bloodbowl a fantastic game. The point is, winning or losing doesn't make your opinion any less valid.
Posted by maysrill on 2011-12-06 20:55:20
St. Paul does not have a great win %, and has about the best attitude on this site.
Cheer the death of your own pixels, and you'll never have a bad game.
Posted by awambawamb on 2011-12-06 21:32:10
Posted by blader4411 on 2011-12-06 22:39:22
We've never even played, but I remember our first encounter.
I'd faced a coach in the Blackbox, and because he was losing, he sat there and did nothing while dragging out his final turns to last the full 4 minutes, forcing me to use the timeout button to proceed.
He later PMed me an apology, saying that he'd been caught up in the moment, and I accepted with no hard feelings.
He, and this is the catch. He wasn't you. What prompted you to PM me questions involving my playstyle, or have a sort of grudge despite never encountering me on the pitch?
Posted by harvestmouse on 2011-12-06 23:06:13
Just to point out, dragging match out like that because you are bitter is against site rules, and shouldn't be encouraged. However if you are playing certain types of teams, I think you should expect some coaches to be petty about it, and taking it on the chin shows you in a better light.
Posted by TheDarkFlame on 2011-12-06 23:41:11
That was someone I know from another site, so I was watching them play since I'd noticed they were playing. I hadn't come across a team like yours before, since I'd been told Blackbox isn't worth bothering with, so I thought that sitting on the endzone for four turns after having punched the enemy team off the field and into crimson paint was rather unsporting and a pretty dull way of playing the game. It eliminates any absurd last-minute attempts to scrape back some dignity (one of the things I love about Bloodbowl and its manic, chance-based nature), it ruins the fun of it, and it makes you sit around for ages for no good reason, which is daft.
I've since come to find that that "style" of playing is something people not only use frequently, but defend as "in the rules" and "perfectly valid", which I kinda think is missing the point of the whole thing. So I saw you at that point as someone who plays like a spiteful arse, and was going out of their way to not just ruin the game, but annoy the other player. Perhaps I was wrong, perhaps not, but that's a discussion people have been over a lot on this site. But basically, I didn't understand what you were doing, and thought you were just being a pain in the neck for the sake of it, rather than out of competitiveness or whatever.
And regardless, this is irrelevant, I don't see why you bring it up. I don't see the need to hold grudges. I didn't even recognise your username when I wrote my first comment.
Posted by the_Sage on 2011-12-07 11:14:59
Flame: stalling isn´t fun, but it is winning. Same goes for clawpomb.
I don´t tend to do either very much, but do feel others are right to do so. Stall/bashers rarely get to enjoy that lovely 3-0 or 5-0 without a clear pitch though.
Posted by blader4411 on 2011-12-07 13:31:11
You idiot. My opponent was the person lying there at the last few turns, just waiting for the clock to run down. Not me.
He was the one forcing me to time him out just to proceed, and making a mess of the game.
I now see that you weren't being actively malicious. You just can't tell whose turn it is while spectating.
Posted by TheDarkFlame on 2011-12-07 14:05:38
I was going to write about how you've missed my point, and how the guy you played refused to end turn as a "well screw you too" response to your unsporting timewasting, and how I don't understand sacrificing the fun of the game for a win, or even for a better win than the win you'd get regardless, and a load of other vaguely relevant points but this nonsense has gone on far enough now, I think.
Everyone, I'm sorry if this stupid argument bothered you even in the slightest. I'd rather it didn't happen at all, but can't do much about that now I suppose.
Posted by PigStar-69 on 2011-12-07 19:39:34
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2011-12-07 20:05:52